Mumbai. 27 September 2021. The Western Naval Command Sailing Championship 2021 was conducted at Indian Naval Watermanship Training Centre (INWTC), Mumbai from 23 to 26 Sep 21. A total 59 personnel from seven teams under the WNC participated in it. The championship was conducted in seven different classes of boats, namely, Laser (Standard), Laser (Radial), Laser (Bahiya), Enterprise, Bic-Nova, 29-er and J24. The concept of team racing in the Enterprise class and match racing in the J24 class of boats was reintroduced to facilitate wider participation and strengthen team spirit.
Commodore Gagan Kaushal, Command Sail Training and Yachting Coordinator (CSTYC)/HQWNC gave away medals to winners during the closing ceremony held on 26 Sep 21.
The overall champions were the Mumbai Area team while the runners up were the Fleet B team.