Somerset. 01 October 2020. WesCom Defence has a 40-year relationship with Danish safety distributor, Uni-Safe A/S. Uni SafeWesCom Defence and Uni-Safe A/S started working together in 1977 and initially supplied SOLAS products including parachute rockets, handflares, smoke signals, MOB and line throwing devices across the Danish Kingdom, including the Faroe Islands and Greenland.
Holger Mügge, Director of Business Development & Sales for WesCom Defence, has continued to manage the relationship for two decades and introduced Uni-Safe A/S to its defence capabilities for its customers in 2000.
The partnership has evolved over the years, and today celebrates more than four decades of working together. Under the new guidance of WesCom Defence’s new Vice President, the two brands are working on developing this relationship further, with new opportunities and partnerships in the pipeline, particularly with the Danish Military.
Johnny Stengaard Meyer, General Manager for Uni-Safe A/S, comments, “During our partnership, we have enjoyed a strong commercial but also a personal relationship between Uni-Safe A/S and WesCom. The WesCom Defence division with David Griffiths has started a new era for both brands and we are eager to be part of the new offerings.”
David Griffiths, Vice President for WesCom Defence, adds, “This special partnership has continued to strengthen over more than 40 years and we are proud to work so closely with the brand. We enjoy a close relationship and are working together to develop our bespoke offering, to meet the specific defence needs of the Danish military sector.”
Established in 1965 as I. Stengaard Meyer ApS, Uni-Safe A/S was originally a ship chandler for both professionals and leisure boaters. The company developed over the years and eventually divided into a retail shop for the growing leisure boating market (as I. Stengaard Meyer ApS), with Uni-Safe A/S exclusively looking after the military and professional shipping industry.
WesCom Defence has three primary product groups – Signalling & Illumination, Training and Simulation, and Minefield Breaching. Part of WesCom Signal and Rescue, the manufacturer has been delivering advanced pyrotechnic technology for over five decades, both for civil and military applications, and for more than 100 years across the marine and maritime sector.