- Indigenously developed, intelligent solutions for border protection helps to deter, detect, delay and avert intrusions across any border terrain, and in any weather conditions

New Delhi. 02 March 2022. Vihaan Networks Ltd. (VNL), India’s primary and only company to design and manufacture its own portfolio of end-to-end GSM, LTE & Broadband network solutions for commercial purposes, today announced the launch of their Border Intrusion Detection System for border protection globally. In addition, VNL also provides a wide range of solutions for tactical communications, wireless signal intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance solutions.
VNL’s intelligent solutions for border protection comprise a combination of multiple sensors that form an integrated, multi-layer security to deter, detect, delay and avert intrusions across the borders. Working closely with security agencies for several months, the company has ensured that their solutions are optimised for all kind of terrains and difficult weather conditions worldwide.
Additionally, VNL’s field-proven border intrusion detection solution also includes an integrated and omnipresent system, called Perimeter Intrusion Detection System (PIDS), a Wireless Intrusion Detection System (WIDS), and a host of ISR solutions that enable authorities with real-time, remote monitoring and control over critical locations. This integrated real-time intrusion detection and surveillance solution aids forces in effectively monitoring a designated area without endangering human lives to provide all-weather surveillance.
Speaking about the launch, Rajiv Mehrotra, Founder & Chairman, Shyam VNL said, “Critical assets like as borders, camps, and airbases are always at risk from approaching intruders, and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ border security system for the myriad complexities of climate, topography, and geographic location. The adverse weather and terrain always make observation, target recognition and round-the-clock monitoring more challenging. Hence, it is imperative for the armed forces and border security agencies to have access to tools that allow high-resolution, day-night surveillance in the toughest of conditions so that security breach is never a cause for alarm. VNL’s Border Intrusion Detection System is a customisable integrated one-stop solution that functions as a force multiplier via secure and encrypted communications.”
VNL’s border protection solutions are user-friendly and come with an intuitive display of sensors and alarms on digital/GIS maps, providing ‘Slew to Cue’ intrusion identification. Apart from these noteworthy features, the following advantages make VNL’s solution more effective and adaptable:
- Real-time, live monitoring and dissemination of intelligence with advanced Command and Control software
- Intrusion localisation up to node level
- Day-night operation; tamper alarm
- Sensitivity adjustment; low false alarm rate
- Secure, encrypted communication to share relevant data
- Also runs on solar power for uninterrupted/continuous 24X7 power supply
- Proprietary planning tool – RF and Sensor-based
Furthermore, all the data from VNL’s multi-layer lock security system emerges at an automated command and control centre, helping authorities monitor vulnerable perimeter choke points, track unwanted activity, and apprehend intruders. Command and control software integrates multiple sensor technologies on a single, centralized platform, accumulating complete piecemeal information and presenting relevant information on a standard display, thus delivering a common operating picture.