Mumbai. 17 March 2022. A three-member Brazilian delegation led by Admiral Flávio Augusto Viana Rocha, Special Secretary (Strategic Affairs), Presidency & Advisor to President of Brazil, visited Headquarters Western Naval Command on 17 Mar 2022.
During the visit, Admiral Rocha interacted with Vice Admiral Ajendra Bahadur Singh, PVSM, AVSM, VSM, ADC, Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Western Naval Command. The two Admirals discussed various issues of mutual interest, including challenges and mitigating strategies in the maritime domain.
The FOC-in-C (West) brought out the vision of SAGAR- Security and Growth for All in the Region – and Indian Navy’s maritime vision during the discussions and also suggested that Brazilian Navy ships, when deployed in the IOR, may visit Indian Ports. It was made known that the Indian Shipyards are well equipped to provide any technical support to the units deployed for prolonged duration away from their homeports.
After a formal briefing was made to the Special Secretary, he expressed his confidence in Indian Navy’s capabilities and the desire for greater opportunities towards interaction between the two navies.