- Helicopter pilot to become Naval Chief for the first time
New Delhi. 23 March 2019. Vice Admiral Karambir Singh PVSM AVSM ADC 56th course NDA (H Sqn), FOC-in-C Eastern Naval Command will be the next Indian Navy Chief.
Son of a retired Indian Air Force officer, he has studied all over the country in various schools before joining NDA. He is a Helicopter Pilot and has flown Chetaks and Kamovs .
He has commanded four ships at various stages of his career. These are ICG Chandbibi (Patrol craft of Indian Coast Guard) , INS Vijaydurg (Missile ship)
, INS Rana (Destroyer) and INS Delhi (Destroyer).
His other appointments have been Fleet Operations Officer Western Fleet, Flag Officer Maharashtra Naval Area (FOMA), Chief of Staff, HQENC, Chief Of Staff HQ A&N C, DG Project Seabird, DCNS, VCNS and Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief Easteen Naval Command which is his current position.