Indian Navy

Posts published in “UDT 2017”

Undersea Defence Technology Doors Now Open!

Optimising the Constants by Maximising the Variables ByTeam ADU Bremen, Germany. 31 May 2017. The husky hum of the projector whirrs to the beat of…

SAFRAN, innovation for security

Aerospace, defence and security are the main areas of SAFRAN’s business operation. It is a multinational company based in France. SAFRAN group was founded in…

Profiles of Participating Companies/2

Compiled by :Elizaveta Alekseeva ThyssenKrupp : naval technology at its best  ThyssenKrupp is a Platinum Sponsor for this year’s Undersea Defence Technology exhibition and conference.…

Media Partnerships

Indian Army

Indian Airforce

Coverage Videos

Kallman-ADU Partnerships

Media Partnerships

ADU will be at Yelahanka Bangalore to cover Aero India live for you

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