Indian Navy

Posts published in “Today in History”

14th December in history

1542 – Princess Mary Stuart succeeds her father James V and becomes Queen Mary I of Scotland at 6 days old 1751 – The first…

11th December in history

1866 – 1st yacht race across Atlantic Ocean 1872 – 1st black US govenor took office, Pinckney Benton Stewart Pinchback (La) 1901 – Guglielmo Marconi,…

10th December in History

1887 – Austria-Hungary, Italy and Great Britain sign Balkan military treaty 1898 – Spanish-American War formally ended by the Treaty of Paris; US acquires Philippines,…

9th December in History

1747 – Great Britain & Netherlands sign military treaty 1762 – British parliament accepts Treaty of Paris 1783 – First execution at Newgate Jail in…

8th December in history

1792 – 1st cremation in US, Henry Laurens 1914 – Battle of the Falkland Island: British Royal Navy destroys a German battle squadron 1923 –…

7th December in History

1741 – Elisabeth Petrovna becomes tsarina of Russia 1835 – Bavarian Ludwig railway opens – first German steam railway 1877 – Thomas Edison demonstrates his…

6th December in History

1631 – 1st predicted transit of Venus (Kepler) is observed 1768 – 1st edition of “Encyclopedia Brittanica” published (Scotland)\ 1825 – Pres John Adams suggests…

5th December in history

1360 – The French Franc is created 1840 – Napoleon Bonaparte receives a French state funeral in Paris 19 years after his death 1893 –…

26th November in history

1789 – U.S. President Washington set aside this day to observe the adoption of the Constitution of the United States. 1867 – J.B. Sutherland patented…

25th November in history

1783 – Britain evacuates New York city, its last military position in United States 1867 – Alfred Nobel patents dynamite 1943 – U-600 sinks in…

24th November in history

1859 – Charles Darwin publishes “On the Origin of Species” 1924 – General Feng Yu-Hsiang, a warlord from the north of China, turns on his…

23rd November in history

1644 – Areopagitica, a pamphlet by John Milton, decrying censorship, is published. 1890 – King William III of the Netherlands dies (b. 1817) without a…

20th November in history

1911 – The funeral of Paul and Laura (daughter of Karl Marx) Lafargue in Paris is attended by Lenin; the two socialists died in a…

19th November in history

1919 – US Senate rejects (55-39) Treaty of Versailles & League of Nations 1962 – Fidel Castro accepts removal of Soviet weapons 1969 – Apollo…

9th November in history

1799 – Napoleon Bonaparte becomes dictator (1st consul) of France 1904 – 1st airplane flight to last more than 5 minutes 1967 – 1st unmanned…

8th November in history

1895 – German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen produces and detects electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range today known as X-rays or Röntgen rays 1942 – 1st…

7th November in history

1910 – The first air freight shipment (from Dayton, Ohio, to Columbus, Ohio) is undertaken by the Wright Brothers and department store owner Max Moorehouse.…

6th November in history

1860 – Abraham Lincoln was elected to be the sixteenth president of the United States. 1913 – Mohandas K. Gandhi was arrested as he led…

5th November in history

1914 – Britain declares war on Turkey and annexes Cyprus, occupied since 1878; the immediate reason is to keep it from being taken by Turkey…

4th November in history

1862 – Dr Richard Gatling patents Gatling machine gun (Indianapolis) 1875 – Massachusetts Rifle Association is founded in Boston 1918 – The Allied armistice with…

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