
Indian Navy

Posts tagged as “UAVs”

Counter-UAS: Going Beyond “Selling Boxes”

New South Wales, Australia. 13 August 2021. Small drones or small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) moved from a novelty to an everyday presence over the…

Milrem Robotics demonstrates off-road autonomy

Estonia. 11 August 2021. Milrem Robotics exhibited their Intelligent Functions off-road capabilities at the first demonstration of iMUGS, the project to develop the European standard…

Schiebel Camcopter S-100 completes flight tests for US Navy

Fairfax, Virginia. 09 August 2021. Schiebel Aircraft and Areté Associates, successfully showcased the CAMCOPTER® S-100 Unmanned Air System (UAS) combined with Areté’s Pushbroom Imaging Lidar…

Mikk Mägi joins Milrem Robotics as CFO

Estonia. 04 August 2021. As of this week, Milrem Robotics’ Chief Financial Officer is Mikk Mägi, a long-time financial specialist and former partner in Grant…

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