Indian Navy

Posts tagged as “Field Marshal KM Cariappa”

Eastern Command Celebrates 75 th Army Day

Kolkata, West Bengal. 15 January 2023. A Country without soldiers would be like God without his angels Army Day is an important occasion for the…

Indian Army turns 75

 Madras Engineers Group Good morning everyone.  Today is a special day and this is the most special podcast of ADU. I am Chaitali Bag…

Veterans’ Day celebrated across India

New Delhi. 14 Januray 2023. The Indian Armed Forces celebrated the 7th Armed Forces Veterans’ Day on 14 January 2023. Veterans’ Day is celebrated in…

Fourth Armed Forces Veterans Day celebrated

New Delhi. 14 January 2020. Armed Forces Veterans Day was celebrated at Manekshaw Centre, Delhi Cantt and several other locations across the country. Since 2017,…

Indian Army

Indian Airforce

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