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Posts tagged as “airbus”

ESA Selects Airbus for LSTM, Copernicus

Madrid, Spain. 16 November 2020. The European Space Agency (ESA) has selected Airbus Defence and Space as prime contractor for the new Land Surface Temperature…

Northrop Grumman Delivers Fifth NATO RQ-4D Phoenix

Sigonella Air Base, Italy. 15 November 2020. Northrop Grumman Corporation successfully ferried the fifth NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance (AGS) aircraft, via a non-stop transatlantic flight.…

Airbus reports Nine-Month (9m) 2020 results

Global air travel recovery slower than anticipated Cash containment and business adaptation on track 9m revenues € 30.2 billion; 9m EBIT Adjusted € -0.1 billion…

Team ADU thanks it’s advertisers

When ADU was founded five years back, it’s editorial mission was to give news of  aerospace , defence and homeland security from all the continents,…

Airbus reveals new zero-emission concept aircraft

Toulouse. 25 September 2020 . Airbus has revealed three concepts for the world’s first zero-emission commercial aircraft which could enter service by 2035. These concepts…

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