• The cybersecurity company will participate in this European meeting with SIA Smart Borders as the benchmark of its proposal, its solution to digitalize and secure the border control process
  • It will attend the event with Mobbeel, an SIA company specialized in biometrics, which integrates this cutting-edge technology, developed in-house, in its solutions for efficient and secure identity verification

Madrid, Spain. 11 June 2024. SI Smart Borders & Indra  cybersecurity company, will be showcasing its identity verification solutions for different environments and situations this week at Identity Week Europe 2024, one of Europe's most important digital identity events, which this year takes place in Amsterdam. Specifically, it will focus its proposal on SIA Smart Borders, a set of breakthrough digital solutions based on biometric identity verification (facial and fingerprint) and document verification that optimizes security and efficiency in the management of physical flows of people in high-security environments and diverse scenarios, such as airports.

The border authorities of each country not only need full coverage of the applicable regulations for passenger control at the entry and exit of their borders (EES and ETIAS, in the case of Europe), but also a robust and secure system that is easy and quick to operate; airport management needs optimized passenger flows, conflict-free procedures and space optimization; and passengers need the operations they have to carry out themselves to be straightforward, agile and in a language they understand. SIA Smart Borders provides a comprehensive response to all of these requirements from a compliance and technology perspective.

Rubén Morales, SIA , director of Digital Identity Solutions, points out that “the solution also enhances homeland security by detecting unauthorized people present in a country or territory and helping to identify criminals or people committing identity and document fraud”. It also adds that the system “centralizes and stores information on the entry and exit movements of travelers and their data, ensuring their protection while fully respecting their fundamental rights”.

This SIA solution will be that the heart of the company, presentation and the round table, which will focus on practical biometric applications and trends in cases in which citizens identity needs to be verified.

More than 20 airports in European countries currently have SIA Smart Borders in place: Spain, Italy and Portugal. In total, more than 460 eGates and more than 700 Smart Kiosks, two key components of the solution, have been deployed in these environments. These are some of the data that support SIA position as the only Spanish company with more than 15 years experience in this field.

This advanced technology for border control can also be used for access to high-security environments such as critical infrastructure, factories or laboratories, where SIA, in collaboration with Mobbeel, uses biometrics to verify the identity of people accessing restricted areas or dangerous or risky areas.

At the European gathering, Indra will also showcase other identity verification solutions with which it facilitates a secure digital transformation to public and private benchmark organizations; and its proposal to foster the National Digital Identity, to name but a few, through its Digital Onboarding solution for the 100% telematic accreditation of identity and issuance of centralized digital certificate for authentication and electronic signature; or Smart Docs, a centralized solution to issue passports and identity documents.