Paris. 20 June 2024. Safran Electronics & Defense and Edge Autonomy proudly present Lanner, a new configuration of the  Penguin Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) Uncrewed Aircraft System (UAS) during the exhibition  Eurosatory 2024. The Lanner configuration is based on the field-proven Penguin UAS platform and has  been specifically modified to meet the requirements of the SDTL (Light Tactical Drone System) program for  the French armed forces.  

In this configuration, the Penguin drone can address multiple missions through a simultaneous dual payload  capability, including Electro-Optical/Infra-Red systems, electronic warfare (detection of radio signals or  jamming for example), radar, and ammunitions. It can thus carry out land and maritime intelligence,  surveillance and reconnaissance missions. 

“We are excited to partner with Safran Electronics & Defense to offer a world-class UAS to the French  armed forces”, said Josh Stinson, Chief Growth Officer for Edge Autonomy, “The Lanner configuration  capitalizes on the field-proven capabilities of Edge Autonomy’s Penguin UAS along with Safran’s system  expertise in optronics, PNT (position, navigation, and timing), UAV airworthiness, and mission systems.” 

“Safran Electronics & Defense worked with Edge Autonomy to customize the Penguin drone with specific  enhancements meeting the unique and demanding needs of the Ministry of the Armed Forces. Penguin is  a high-performance drone, combat-proven with tens of thousands of flight hours under a wide variety of  conditions”, said Alexandre Ziegler, Executive VP, Defense Global Business Unit of Safran Electronics &  Defense.

Developed and produced in Europe, the Lanner configuration establishes Safran Electronics & Defense  and Edge Autonomy as the European leaders in tactical UAVs. This partnership supports Safran Electronics  & Defense response to the SDTL call for tenders to equip the French armed forces. The capabilities of the  two companies offer a unique combination of proven experience and technological innovation for a  complete range of tactical UAS capable of meeting the full spectrum of operational needs of the French  Ministry of Armed Forces and partner nations.