Moscow. 21 August 2021. Russian Knights , the aerobatic group will demonstrate its updated program to the guests of the ARMY 2021 International Military and Technical Forum.
It includes several new elements. For example, when demonstrating group aerobatics in the composition of six crews, the group will perform a turn and Nesterov loop in a row in the afterburner mode of the engines. After the first disbandment, as part of four crews in a diamond formation, the Russian Knights will perform a bunch of several rotations: a group roll, a loop with a 180-degree turn on the descending part and an ear maneuver, including a combat turn, half roll and half roll.
In addition to Russian Knights, the crews of the aerobatic teams Swifts and Berkuts will show their skills during ARMY 2021 International Military and Technical Forum.
Separately, it should be noted that during the forum pair aerobatics will be demonstrated on Su-57 aircraft.
In total, an air show of more than 30 modern and promising aircraft complexes was planned to demonstrate the flight technical capabilities.