New Delhi. 22 March, 2016.Rockwell Collins will showcase some of their latest technologies and will make the business announcements.“We are fully aligned with the government’s ‘Make in India’ campaign by developing capability locally while simultaneously aligning with local strategic partners,” said Sunil Raina, managing director, India for Rockwell Collins. “We look forward to showcasing the wide array of Rockwell Collins technologies at this year’s show.”


Pro Line Fusion®– Integrated flight deck leveraging advanced commercial technology for military platforms, TruNet™– Exportable, programmable, networked communications for enhanced situational awareness, Wideband HF communications– Transmit high-bandwidth data across any terrain and long distances, MultiMode Transceiver– Versatile multi-channel SDR offering frequency coverage from 70 MHz to 6 GHz, CNPC-1000– Reliable, safe and secure unmanned aircraft system command and control data link for UAS operations in civil airspace, Patrol Persistent Surveillance System– Scalable integrated sensor solution to protect from perimeter breach, MicroGuide and Remote Secure Receiver– Ruggedized, secure hand-held GPS, will be exhibited by the American major.

In addition to these, the company will share their views on Rockwell Collins growth trajectory in India since 2008 and future outlook,  R&D Centre in Bangalore,  market opportunity that the company is targeting in India , Rockwell Collins product features, usage and technology innovations, market share growth that Rockwell Collins is looking for in India in the next five years, Make in India – Rockwell Collins’ stance,  strategic advantage/leverage that India provides to Rockwell Collins Globally and upcoming business collaborations/partnerships