1. The Ministry of Defence, Government of India, intends to procure quantity 570 Numbers Logistic Drones for the Indian Army. Two versions of Logistic Drones are envisaged ie Logistic Drones (Standard)(S) for deployment upto 12000 ft and Logistic Drones (High Altitude) (HA) for deployment above 12000 ft.
  1. With the view to identify probable vendors who can undertake the said project, OEMs/ Authorised Vendors are requested to forward information on the product which they can offer. The parameters/ broad specifications of the equipment are mentioned in the questionnaire attached as per Appendix ‘A’. In addition the vendors are required to furnish details as per Appendix ‘B’.
  2. This Request for Information (RFI) consists of four parts as under:-

(a)  Part I. Operational characteristics and features that should be met by the equipment.

(b)  Part II. Maintainability aspects of the

(c) Part III. The    methodology    of    seeking    response    of    vendors. Submission of incomplete response will render the vendor liable for rejection.

(d) Part IV. Guidelines for Framing Criteria for Vendor Selection/Pre- Qualification in Buy (Indian-IDDM), Buy (Indian) and Buy & Make (Indian) Cases.


4. Intended Use Of Equipment (Operational Requirements). Indian Army seeks Logistic Drones for carrying out logistic tasks towards Last Mile Delivery for forward troops deployed along the border areas with capability of operation in wind/gust condition, rain/Snow etc. The mandatory characteristics are as under:-

(a)  Components. Each Logistic Drones should consist of one Aerial Vehicle (AV) per equipment, One Man Portable Ground Control Station (MPGCS), One Remote Video Terminal (RVT), One colour day video camera, Monochromatic Night Thermal Sensor and One set of spare battery, if applicable.

(b) Payload /Weight Carrying Capability.The range of Weight Carrying Capability for the Drones, excluding colour day video camera, Monochromatic Night Thermal Sensor is as under:-

(i)  Logistic Drones (HA). Between 20-40

(ii) Logistic Drones (S). Between 40-80

(c) Operational Altitude.

(i) Logistic Drones (HA). 12000-18000 ft above Mean Sea Level with capability of achieving not less than 500m Above Ground Level (AGL).

(ii) Logistic Drones (S). Upto 12000 ft above Mean Sea Level with capability of achieving not less than 500m Above Ground Level (AGL).

(d) Operational Temperature.

(i) Logistic Drones (HA)
Max- Between 400 C to 450 C
Min – Minus 200 C to Minus 100 C.
(ii) Logistic Drones (S).
Max- Between 400 C to 450 C.
Min – Upto 00 to 50 C.

(e) Mission Range. The mission range with maximum All Up Weight (AUW) should not be less than 10-20 Km (one way).

(f) Endurance. With max AUW including the Optical Payload mentioned at Para 4 (a) at 500 m above take off altitude the endurance, should be minimum 45 minutes.

(g) Map. Both versions of Logistic Drones should be compatible with All Defence Series Map and GPS, GLONASS, NAVIC and IRNSS. All types of maps provided with the system should be upgradable.

(h) Launch and Recovery. Both versions of Logistic Drones must have launch and landing capability on an unprepared area of not more than 25 M x 25 M.

(j) Crew. Maximum two persons.

(k) Shelf Life. Logistic Drones must be capable to withstand not less than 5000 landings for High Altitude Version and not less than 10,000 landings for standard version.

5. Important Technical Parameters

(a) Flight Mode. Both version of Logistic Drones must have Fully Autonomous mode, Manual mode and return home mode.

(b) Security / EW Interference. Both versions of Logistic Drones should be hardened against EW interference and should have anti-jamming and anti-spoofing properties. They must be compliant to MIL STD 461 E.

(c) IFF Feature. Both versions of Logistic Drones should have IFF feature to avoid friendly engagement with own Air Space users in tactical battle area.

(d) Geo-References. All geo-references must be displayed in Latitude Longitude/Indian Military Grid Reference (IMGR) (user selectable).

(e) Compliance to Metric System. Both versions of Logistic Drones should be capable of using International System units or International System derived units.

(f) Compliance to Environmental Test Procedures. Both version of Logistic Drones should be compliant with the environmental test procedures as per Table 31 of JSS 55555.

(g) Software. The software in both version of Logistic Drones should be validated as per 1EEE 12207.


6. Vendors should confirm that following conditions are acceptable:-

(a) Repair and Maintenance Aspects. Post warranty, engineering/ maintenance support of the equipment will be by in-house maintenance agency i.e Electronics and Mechanical Engineers (EME) for complete life cycle of the product being procured. For this, developer of the equipment should plan and develop repair/engineering support package comprising readily available spare parts, assemblies or sub-assemblies test Jigs, maintenance tools and technical literature. The system should be easily repairable on account of design and construction mentioned above and after suitable training of in-house repair agency technicians.

(b) Design & Construction. The logistic Drones and it‟s constituents should meet the following requirements as far as possible:-

(i) Modular in construction.

(ii) Built in Test Equipment and Power On self-Test to identify defects upto Printed Circuit Boards/modules.

(iii) Use of military grade indigenous components.

(iv) Should have capability to absorb software upgrades and should have adequate memory for upgradation.

(v) Should have a tangible obsolescence management plan and upward compatibility for latest modules.

(vi) Generators and Batteries. The generators and batteries. If applicable, should be indigenous. The generators should be compliant to latest Central Pollution Control Board specification.

(c) Special Maintenance Tools, Special Test Equipment and Test Jigs. All special Maintenance Tools, Special Test equipment and Test Jigs will be developed for the equipment to support diagnostics and repairs at various echelons of repair as per repair philosophy of Indian Army.

(d) Technical Literature. All technical literature will be developed as per joint Service Specification 0251-01: 2015 (Revision No 2) and will made available the vendor in soft copy and hard copy will be made available by the vendor prior to Maintenance Evaluation Trials (MET). The following publications as per specified standards must be made available:-

(i) User Hand Book (UHB)/Operator‟s manual in English and Hindi.
(ii)  Design Specification.
(iii)  Technical Manual (Part I to IV):-
(aa) Part I. Technical description, specification, functions of various system.
(ab) Part II. Inspection/ maintenance tasks, repair procedures, materials used, fault diagnosis and use                                  of Special Maintenance Tools and Special Test Equipment (SMT & STEs).
(ac) Part III. Procedure for assembly / disassembly repair up to component level, safety precautions.
(ad) Part IV.
(aaa) Part list with drawing reference.
(aab) List of Special Maintenance Tools/Special Equipment with Test Bench.
(iii)  Manufactures Recommended List of Spares (MRLS)
(iv)  Illustrated Spare Part List (ISPL).
(v) Technical manual on STEs with drawing reference.
(vi)A class IV (or better) Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) will be developed using above technical literature.

(e) Training and Training Aggregates.
(i)  The vendor would be required to organize training for maintenance personnel to undertake repair and maintenance of equipment.
(ii) Requirement of training aggregation for conduct of training via training aids, projection system, complete equipment with accessories, technical literature, charts, slides, blow up diagram, training work models, training brochures, IETM should also include symptom-fault correlation.

(f) Product Support and Upgradability. The seller will guarantee product support for 15 years. The equipment should be upgradable in hardware/software by the manufacturer, if required, for the enhanced performance features or due to modifications required to obviate the recurring defects/ Faull/ obsolescence.

(g) Qualitative Requirements for Equipment having Software. Software used. Except the software used in COTS equipment, should undergo, software quality assurance as per relevant and latest international military standards. The software life cycle concept will be followed /observed. The software should be restorable in field. Any upgrades or patches required in the software will be provided free of cost. Adequate memory should be available to accept any upgradation.

(h) Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) and Mean Time to Repair (MTTR). Mean Time Between Failure should be 15 days and Mean Time to Repair in field should be 30 days.

(i) Counter for Usage. Software/Mechanical counter be provided to display cumulative in-service usage for facilitating preventive/ periodic maintenance.

(j) Maintenance Evaluation Trial (MET). To check maintenance of logistic Drones by the maintenance agency that is Electronics and Mechanical Engineers (EME) the equipment will be subjected to a Maintainability Evaluation Trial. The details of Engineering Support Package and training to include Manufactures Recommended list of Spares, to including PCBs, LRUs and SRUs, special Maintenance Tools, special Test equipment and Test Jigs, training aggregates and technical literature will be decided during the Maintainability Evaluation Trial (MET). The vendor will be required to give an undertaking to provide the spares and Engineering Support throughout the life cycle of the equipment. The vendor should also provide details of firmware (embedded software) in the equipment.
To read more click on this link: https://www.mod.gov.in/sites/default/files/RFILogistics%20Drones%20as%20on%2016%20Dec%202022%20%28PDF%29.pdf