Bangalore. 09 January 2018. Minister of Defence Nirmala Sitharaman, made her maiden visit to the Bangalore Complex of Navratna Defence PSU Bharat Electronics Ltd and had a first-hand glimpse of the facilities. She also had detailed discussions with the BEL Management on both ongoing and futuristic projects of the Defence major.
Sitharaman was given a Corporate overview covering the business profile, infrastructure and manufacturing and testing facilities, manpower, Research & Development and Quality initiatives, and business performance of BEL. She visited the outdoor test facility of Military Radar and Missile Systems Strategic Business Units. She appreciated the dedication and hard work put in by the women employees of BEL involved in the Akash Missile project and other radar projects.
The Minister also visited the new Near Field Test facility, Microwave Supercomponents and Coastal Surveillance System facilities at BEL-Bangalore and appreciated the work done by BEL in Defence electronics.