- Bel Conferred ‘raksha Niryat Ratna’ Award
Bengaluru/News Delhi. 12 July 2022. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh launched 75 newly-developed Artificial Intelligence (AI) products/solutions, including the AI-enabled Voice Analysis Software (AIVAS) of Navratna Defence PSU Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) during the first-ever ‘AI in Defence’ (AIDef) symposium and exhibition, organised by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) at New Delhi on July 11, 2022, as part of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ celebrations.
Mrs Anandi Ramalingam, Chairman & Managing Director, received the ‘Raksha Niryat Ratna’ Award (public sector category), which was conferred on BEL for achieving the highest Defence exports in recent years (2021-22). The award has been instituted in consonance with the MoD’s vision to achieve Defence exports of Rs. 35,000 Crores by 2025 and provide a boost to the domestic industry.
The AIVAS, developed by BEL’s Software SBU and Central Research Laboratory-Bangalore was demonstrated to Defence Minister as part of the exhibition. AIVAS enables intelligence agencies to analyse voice messages intercepted through various communication channels. Key features of the product include voice activity detection, speaker identification, language identification, key word spotting, speech conversion, speech enhancement, audio editing, dialect identification and speaker diarization.

Apart from the market launch of AIVAS, other AI Products/solutions developed by BEL’s Software SBU, Central Research Laboratory-Bangalore and Central Research Laboratory-Ghaziabad launched/exhibited at the event were ANANT (Adversary Network Analysis Tool), FND-SMA (Fake News Detector as part of Social Media Analytics), PDM (Predictive Maintenance), ForSeVA (Forensic Search & Video Analysis), GRAIPS (Gesture Recognition using AI for Perimeter Security), RADOC (Radar Audio Doppler-based Object Classification), CTNOA (Classification and Tracking for Naval Objects using AI), UV-CAT (Unauthorised Vehicle Catching using artificial intelligence)

WANARA (Wild Animal Recognition using AI), BCIDM (Block Chain based Inter Organisation Identity Management Platform), SSPI (Segmentation of Satellite Panchromatic Images), Enemy Aircraft Activity and Plan Recognition, AI Based Anomaly Detection for Maritime Domain, Platform Sensor Grid – an AI based Sensor Data Dash Board Solution, PDM-DMRC (AI-based Predictive Maintenance of Delhi Metro Rail Equipment), MICE (Multimedia Information & Content Extraction), AI Enabled Adaptive Traffic optimisation Solution (AIATCS) and PROCA (Passive Ranging by Object Classification using AI).

A few AI products having dual use applications and good market potential, including AIVAS, which were launched at the event are expected to open up new business avenues for the Defence PSUs.