From the 5th to the 9th of February 2020, Nexter group exposes its complete ammunition range on its stand (H3, Q3) for the 10th edition at the DEDEXPO exhibition in Lucknow, India.

Nexter group is represented at DEFEXPO by its ammunition department regrouping the subsidiaries MECAR (Belgium), Nexter Ammunition (France) and SIMMEL DIFESA (Italy) that are well engaged in India. The three Indian armies have notified several recent contracts for medium caliber, artillery and naval ammunition to Nexter during the last semesters, confirming India as a main and strategic partner. In the context of “Make in India” policies promoted by the government, Nexter wants to support the growth of the Indian industry in ammunition, with the best performance and security standards.
Recent sales in ammunition can be divided into three categories:
- Artillery ammunition: Nexter offers a complete range of 155mm artillery ammunition: latest- generation explosive ordnance, illuminating and smoke cargos, SPACIDO trajectory correction fuses, smart precision ammunition (BONUS precision anti-tank shells, KATANA precision guided ammunition -under development) and modular charges currently in service in India. It should be noted that all of these ammunition comply with the NATO JBMoU standard and are compatible with the majority of modern 155mm 52, 45 and 39 caliber systems.
- Naval ammunition: Through its Italian subsidiary, Nexter is also a world leader in the supply of naval ammunition with a complete range of 40mm ammunition for 40L70 and 76mm guns. The development of the FB769 multimode programmable fuse (Proximity, Gated Proximity, Airburst, Point Detonating) coupled with the 40mm PFFC ammunition offers performance against a wider range of targets, especially for anti-aircraft use.
- Land ammunition: Nexter’s offer also includes a 30mm kinetic energy penetrator (armour- piercing) ammunition with improved performance for the BMP2 tank, as well as an 84mm infantry ammunition for recoilless systems.