Nagpur. 05 September 2024. National Academy of Defence Production (NADP), Nagpur is proud to announce that it has been awarded the prestigious Best Innovator Award at the International Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Conclave 2024. The event was organized by KMBB College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar, in collaboration with WEGROW Pvt. Limited, and took place on August 30th and 31st, 2024, at the Suryansh Hotel, Bhubaneswar.

The Conclave brought together a distinguished group of experts, research scholars, policymakers, and industry leaders to deliberate on the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities in the field of Intellectual Property Rights. NADP’s recognition at this significant event underscores its commitment to fostering innovation and excellence in the defence sector.

The award was received on behalf of NADP by Dr. Indu Mazumdar, In charge of the Institute Innovation Cell at NADP under the guidance of Team of NADP, Dr J P Dash Chief General Manager, NADP, Nagpur. NADP has set up an Innovation eco-system by creating Innovation Cell and tying up with the Incubator Cell of InFED, IIM Nagpur. The organizers appreciated the effort of NADP in connecting the students to the entrepreneurs, exposing them to IDEX innovation eco-system which is revolutionsing defence and a stream of patent filing by the Faculty and Students to further cause of Innovations.