New Delhi. 12 February 2022. To mark the successful completion of training of 127 Air Force Special Forces Operatives of Garud Force, Maroon Beret Ceremonial Parade was held on 12 February 2022 at Garud Regimental Training Centre (GRTC), Air Force Station Chandinagar. Chief Guest, Air Vice Marshal PS Karkare, Senior Officer-in-Charge Administration, Headquarter Western Air Command reviewed the parade.
Wing Commander Trilok Sharma, Commandant GRTC received the Chief Guest and presented brief on various training aspects.
Chief Guest congratulated the Garuds on their successful passing out from the Garud Regimental Training Centre. While addressing the young Garuds, he emphasized on the importance of training and honing of Special Forces skills to keep pace with the changing security scenario. He presented Maroon Beret, Garud Proficiency Badge and Special Forces Tabs to the successful Garud trainees and gave away trophies to the meritorious passing out trainees. The best all rounder trophy was presented to LAC Suryawanshi Shivcharan Arjun.

During the passing out ceremony, the ‘Garuds’ demonstrated various skills such as Combat Firing, Hostage Rescue, Firing Drill, Assault Explosives, Obstacle Crossing Drill, Wall Climbing, Slithering, Rappelling and Military Martial Arts.
Maroon Beret Ceremonial Parade is a moment of pride and achievement for the Garuds, marking the culmination of their training and transformation of ‘Young Special Forces Operators’ joining the elite force.