Moscow. 30 September 2020. The Republic of Korea Air Force Black Eagles Aerobatic Team was invited to participate in the 2021 International Aviation and Space Salon. At the meeting of Aleksandr Levin, Director General of Aviasalon JSC, with Colonel Kim Yong Wook, Air Force Attache of the Republic of Korea in the Russian Federation the parties discussed the conditions of participation of the aerobatic team and the issues of further cooperation between the parties.
Further to the discussions, an official request for the aerobatic team to participate in MAKS 2021 was prepared to the Command of the Air Force of the Republic of Korea.
In addition, Aviasalon JSC proceeded with creation of a package of proposals for the Korean companies operating in the aerospace industry to participate in the exhibition.
The Republic of Korea Air Force Black Eagles Aerobatic Team was initially formed on 1 October 1953. The Black Eagles are currently flying eight T-50 Golden Eagle jet trainers.
The International Aviation and Space Salons offer the more eventful flight program, whose participants in different years were both Russian and the world’s leading aerobatic display teams. Among the guests of MAKS were the Italian Frecce Tricolori, French Patroulle de France, Chinese August 1, French-Swiss Breitling, Fursan Al Emarat from the UAE, Latvian Baltic Bees и Lithuanian ANBO.