New Delhi. 07 July, 2016. It is come to the notice of ITBP HQ that various unsuccessful candidates/aspirants of ITBP recruitment have been receiving so-called appointment letters vide which the candidates are advised to deposit some amount in bank account prior to joining in ITBP. The appointment letters received by various candidates were checked and they were found fake.
Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) is a Central Armed Police Force of Govt of India. Physical, written and practical test are being conducted through various mediums in various States at different places of the county on all India basis for recruitment of various posts in ITBP. On the basis of merit list, ITBP issues appointment letters to the successful candidates in a prescribed format as per laid down procedure.
As such ITBP does not demand money from the candidates for recruitment in ITBP except requisite nominal recruitment fee. No advance/ guarantee money is sought from any candidates prior to joining in the Force.

Following steps have been taken by ITBP to prevent issuing fake appointment letters:-
– A model format of offer of appointment letter has been circulated to all formations of ITBP to identify fake appointment letters. A public notice has also been published to sensitize the general public about fake appointment letter.
– A public notice regarding fake appointment letters has been uploaded on official ITBP website.
– All Unit/Formations have been sensitized about fraud appointment letters and copies of fraud letters have been circulated amongst them. Moreover, Unit/Field formations have been directed to ask such candidates to lodge a Police Complaint in nearest Police Station.
– All Units/Formations of ITBP have been directed to display a notice in prominent places/access points in their locations to facilitate forewarn the public.
ITBP HQ has also lodged a complaint in this regard at Lodi Road Police Station, New Delhi. All aspirants are advised to remain aware about such bogus practices.