- Border Roads should march beyond borders
By Maj Gen (Dr.) Ashok Kumar, VSM (Retired)
New Delhi. 07 November 2022. It was recently when PM Modi visited general area Mana in Uttarakhand close to the Chinese border and stayed in a temporary hut with BRO workers over 11000 feet altitude. While visit of the current PM to the forward areas and spending time with the troops followed by a comprehensive media coverage is one of the issues, the most important aspect should not be lost sight of. This most important aspect is BRO’s unparalleled resolve to develop infrastructure in forward areas in the form of axial and lateral connectivities. The creation of tunnels are going to ensure all weather connectivities not only for the defence forces but also for the common public. With additional financial support /budgetary allocations, BRO can collapse the planned timelines of infrastructure development in the national interest.

Whatever is being done by BRO in the country is our critical need but it has additional capabilities and expertise which can be leveraged to develop surface communication infrastructure in the other friendly countries. In addition to political ,diplomatic and military support, infrastructure development in friendly countries is the key to healthy relationship and economic development. China has already been investing heavily in Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) both through land and sea routes. It is beside the point that the Chinese initiative is of exploitative nature and furthering its own interests rather than for the well being of the country in which such investments are being made. Expansionist agenda of China stands exposed. While countering China’s BRI, G-7 countries unveiled their own infrastructure development plan under the flag of ‘Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment’ for the developing countries. Though there are several other implications of this move including countering China’s BRI, what emerges clearly is that infrastructure development in the friendly countries specially when done as per their aspirations in a transparent manner, enhances the mutual trust and bond.
While India has developed some roads and other infrastructure projects in some friendly countries, it is the time when India needs to leverage BRO capabilities to develop road infrastructure in friendly countries to include African countries, Indian Ocean RIM countries and Indo-Pacific countries aligned to India’s strategic interests. As India is leveraging its soft power, medical power including vaccines support and military hardware export, it is very important that India also leverages its infrastructure development capacity through multiple agencies with BRO being the lead agency.
It was credible for India to operationalise ONGC Videsh in 1965 merely within 9 years of establishment of ONGC in 1954. ONGC Videsh has made inroads in multiple countries and is a source of energy provisioning which is critical for national development. On the similar lines, there is an urgent need of creating BRO Videsh for development of road infrastructure in friendly foreign countries which are suited to our national interests.
BRO was established way back on 07 May 1960 prior to 1962 war with the primary aim of development of border roads and infrastructure in the forward areas. It has done a splendid job since its formation but the output has been restricted to national plan/ priorities and budgetary support. In the last few years, with renewed focus on border infrastructure, additional budgetary support and technological advancements, the BRO has been moving with a fast pace in mission mode. Tunnelling is being done at multiple locations to ensure all weather connectivity which will result in fast mobilisation of men and material besides reduced cost of maintenance during peace and war . Such infrastructure development will assist the local population as well for better I kintegration nationally including enhanced economic empowerment. Indian effort can be further speeded up if additional budgetary support is provided.
BRO can provide the core team for creation of BRO Videsh to carry the infrastructure development plan in the other countries. Selection of BRO is more preferable as against the Private sector/ any other Public sector, as BRO can function and sustain itself on no loss-no profit basis for the national good. The following is recommended:
- BRO Videsh Limited be created as a subsidiary of BRO India as early as possible.
- Constitutional amendments/other processes needed to make it happen be undertaken.
- Core team be provisioned by BRO India.
- The countries be selected based on their willingness as well as value judgement of Political Affairs Committee (PAC) or in coordination between CDS and MEA.
- The manpower should include 60% locals whereas 40% could be sourced from Indian population. It will open a venue for additional employment for Indians as well as for the host countries.
- Veterans could play an important role for this idea to fructify.
- BRO has substantial capabilities which need to be leveraged.
- Indian missions abroad should become the lead coordinators.
- Fund support for such infrastructure development is critical. Some of the options could include:
- Indian assistance.
- Undertaking those projects of G-7 countries which further Indian interests. Fund support is by G-7.
- Fund by host country.
- Loan from IMF, World Bank and other donor organisations facilitated by the host country for itself.
- Contribution through NGO’s and CSR of the host country for itself.
- any other source which the host country thinks appropriate.
India is at a distinct place and time on world platform where it needs to seize all the moments for national good. Creation of BRO Videsh will be a step in the right direction to empower the friendly countries which will result in a resonance enhancing national capacities to unparalleled levels. Indian needs will not be adversely affected as surge capacity exists in BRO to handle all the challenges if it is made the torch bearer of the nation.
(Maj Gen Ashok Kumar, VSM (Retd) is a Kargil war veteran and defence analyst. He is visiting fellow of CLAWS and specialises on neighbouring countries with special focus on China. The views in the article are solely the author’s. He can be contacted at editor.adu@gmail.com).