New Delhi. 30 November 2022. Indian Navy today organised a multi-specialty medical and wellness camp at the remotely located district Niuland at Nagaland, 35 Km from Dimapur. This was as part of a series of activities planned as an outreach from the IN to the North-Eastern States and building awareness about the Indian Navy. The camp was inaugurated by Surg Rear Admiral Ravinderajeet Singh, Additional Director General Medical Services (Navy) and Mrs Sara S Jamir, District Commissioner of Niuland. The multi-specialty camp included consultation by Medical Specialist, Gynaecologist, ENT Specialist, Ophthalmologist, Radiologist and Dental Specialist, deputed from various Commands of the Indian Navy. The medicines prescribed by the Specialists are being distributed free of cost to the patients.
The services offered during the camp besides specialist consultation and free medicines were Complete Body Analyzer, Bone Mineral Densitometry, Ultrasonography, Lab investigations and Anthropometry. Health education, training on Cancer prevention and CPR were carried out for the civilian population attending the Camp. The Medical Camp by Indian Navy has been planned for two days 29 and 30 Nov 2022. Day one saw an over-whelming response with more than 250 people of Niuland and nearby villages availing the facilities at the Camp.