Pune. 19 October 2020. Southern Command, Pune is organising an open online competition with theme “Indian Army : A Symbol of unity in Diversity”. The contest is open to all under various age categories with a total prize award money of Rs 1,22,000/- (Rupees one lac twenty two thousand only) alongwith award of merit certificate from Indian Army. The competition details have also been uploaded on Southern Command Facebook page “SouthernCommand.IndianArmy” and Twitter handle “IaSouthern”.
The competition will involve four competition i.e. Slogan Writing, Video Making, Photography and Painting under various age categories. The Videos, Photographs, Paintings and Slogans will have to be uploaded as a message in the Southern Command Facebook page or forwarded on email id sconlinecomp@gmail.com alongwith mobile No of the contestant and a copy of Aadhar Card / Age Proof.

Headquarters Southern Command, Pune said the aim of the online competition was to nurture and tap the vast talent available in our Nation and urged that people should actively participate in the online competition. The entries are open from 19 October 2020 and will close on 10 December 2020. The results of the competition would be announced on 16 December 2020 on the occasion of Vijay Diwas on Southern Command Facebook and Twitter handles.