New Delhi. 09 September 2024. In response to the breach in the canal near Vijayawada, the Indian Army has been actively engaged in Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) operations to mitigate the situation and provide aid to affected civilians.

Breach Management:
• The breach was identified at three locations. Civil administration successfully plugged the first two breaches, each approximately 10-15 meters wide.
• The third breach, approximately 80-100 meters wide, has seen increased water flow due to the funneling effect from the plugged breaches.

Engineering Response:
• The Indian Army is deploying two layers of Gabion baskets (5x2x2 meters) filled with stones to stop the breach. These baskets will be stacked on top of one another, and a 4-meter-high bund will be constructed. Further strengthening of the structure with earthwork on the outer side is also planned.

Logistical Support:
• A reconnaissance of the breach area was conducted in coordination with the Irrigation Secretary to identify the unloading site for sandbags in Hesco Bastions.
• A total of 16,000 sandbags have been collected, with 1,800 already filled and ready for deployment.

Medical Assistance:
• The Column Commander liaised with the State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) and the District Collector of Vijayawada to provide medical relief in the nearby inundated areas. Medical assistance has been provided to 200 civilians so far.
• The road column reached the location at 1520 hours and continues to support the relief efforts.

Coordination with Local Authorities:
• The Column Commander is coordinating with the Andhra Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority (APSDMA) for the provision of a government building or premises to set up an administrative base camp to further streamline the relief operations.

The Indian Army remains committed to supporting civil authorities in managing the situation and ensuring the safety and well-being of all affected citizens.