Indian Navy

Posts published in “Foreign Navies”

Royal Navy developing AI mine-hunting submersible

Horsham, UK. 27 June 2019. The Royal Navy is using artificial intelligence to task autonomous submersibles with hunting underwater mines. British geospatial and data company Envitia, which…

Raytheon missiles support complex NATO exercise

HEBRIDES RANGE, Scotland, May 28, 2019 . Raytheon Company missiles played vital roles in the Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO military exercise called Formidable…

HMS Westminster in NATO Baltic Mission

Portsmouth. 22 May 2019. HMS Westminster is approaching the half-way point of a six-month mission to keep the Baltic secure with NATO. The Royal Navy…

HMS Queen Elizabeth passes dry dock inspection

Dorset. 22 May 2019. Aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth has passed her rigorous dry dock inspection with flying colours and is leaving her birthplace once…

UK Naval Service train Kenyan Forces

Mombasa. 13 May 2019. Royal Marines and Royal Navy specialists have been showing Kenyan security forces how to improve their ability to fight piracy, illegal…

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