- August 30, Flag raising ceremony for participating countries in the International Army Games 2021 in Vietnam was held at the National Training Center 4.

Moscow. 30 August 2021. Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nghia, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, Head of the Organizing Committee of the International Army Games 2021 in Vietnam, presided over the ceremony. Rear Admiral Subbotin Andrey Nikolaevich, representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense’s Organizing Committee for International Army Games and head of participating delegations. Due to the complexity of the COVID-19 epidemic, the ceremony was held in simple manner but still ensured the solemnity and embedded with warm, unified and friendly atmosphere among participating countries.

Speaking at the ceremony, Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nghia, Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Vietnam People’s Army affirmed: “This is an activity of significant importance, showing the respect for the host country’s defence diplomacy principles, and at the same time generating motivation and determination for participants in the competitions. They would participate in the contests with the spirit of solidarity “to join hands for cultivating friendship and promoting peace, cooperation and development, heading towards a world of peace and security”.
At the ceremony, the national flags and anthems of 8 participating countries in the International Military Games in Vietnam (Bangladesh, Belarus, Laos, Mali, Russia, Uzbekistan, Venezuela and the host country) were a solemn and majestic atmosphere.