Munich. 01 March 2021. ALSIM will sell an ALSR20 to IFR-Flugschule, based in Germany. Their ongoing cooperation with a Cirrus Training Center has led the ATO to choose the brand new ALSIM’s simulator.
The ALSR20 is the latest device manufactured by ALSIM and is the exact replica of the Cirrus SR20 aircraft. This Flight Training Procedure Trainer (FNTP 2) is specifically designed for PPL and IR training needs. The device reproduces the Cirrus SR20 specific interior cockpit and flight deck and comes along with a Garmin GDU 1050A and GFC 700 Autopilot. The ALSR20 is equipped with a Garmin® GMA 350C® – All digital Audio Panel and a Garmin® GCU 479®. The device can also simulate the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System® (CAPS®).
“The key reasons for this choice of the ALSIM’s ALSR20 were our location at GA airport, No.1 in Europe, with many premium prospects and growth opportunities, as well as our partnership with Cirrus.” told Roland Otto, Managing Partner at IFR.
“We would like to thank IFR-Flugschule for their confidence. With this new device, their students will benefit from a state-of-the art simulator which represents an exact replica of the Cirrus SR20. We look forward to installing the simulator in the Frankfurt region.” adds Nicolas de Lassus, ALSIM Sales Account Manager.