Paris. 18 October 2016. Ezute Foundation of Brazil showcases the concept and design of the Blue Amazon Management System (SisGAAz); the complementary program management and systems engineering used in the anti-ship missile project (MAN-SUP); and the knowledge and technology absorption program , initially performed in France, =for the submarine combat system of the Brazilian Submarine Development Program (PROSUB). All of these are complex projects developed for the Brazilian Navy.
It is also exhibiting MAN-SUP – Supplementary management and systems engineering of the anti-ship missile project. Support to the Brazilian Navy in the nationalization of the anti-ship surface missile, with the participation of several Brazilian companies of the Defense Industrial Base. This project involved the development of a dedicated management platform and the responsibility to support the client in defining and implementing a methodology for managing project development plus engineering activities of corresponding systems, including the verification and management of the technical requirements of the missile, the interfaces agreements among all subsystems, as well as activities of validation and qualification of the project’s components.
Ezute Foundation also participates in the Brazilian Navy’s Submarine Development Program (PROSUB), focusing on absorption of knowledge and technology aimed at supporting the Brazilian Navy in the maintenance and evolution of the Combat System of its submarines. According to the agreement between the French company DCNS (Directions de Construction Navales et Services) and the Brazilian Navy, DCNS is responsible for providing the Combat System to be fitted in the four conventional submarines (diesel-electric powered) (SBR) as well as in the Brazil’s first nuclear-powered submarine (SNBR).
The Foundation was selected to receive DCNS training related to the Combat System of the conventional submarines of the PROSUB program, and currently also supports the Navy in the preliminary design of the SNBR’s Combat System.