Lucknow. 07 February 2020. Exicom showcased its innovative Prowess in the field of High Capacity Software Defined Radio in Full Mesh Mobile Ashok Network Configuration. Exicom’s SDR Mesh MANET, Network In a Box and Tactical Video Streamer offers a complete Kinetic Mesh multiple frequency; any-node-to-any-node that instantaneously route and delivers data amongst all war fighting elements with a throughout of 80 MBPS in a 64 node configuration (multiple MESH can be combined to effectively cover an area of 20×20 Kms). The battle space can be further enhanced by using the repeaters in tethered Drones/ UAVs etc.

Exicom showcases a Battle ready wireless communication system that meets the requirement of nit gathering, synchronising the situational awareness picture and effectively engaging the targets in modern day digitised battle field.
The various form factors of the SDR Mesh MANET meets the need of robustly networked security force in conventional operations, CI/CT role, law and order, counter terror ops and covert ops.

The unique solution of DROP BOX to extend the MANET, K9 mounted camera and just 5 Kg- 5 meters roll tube mast, man pack NIB, sub 40 millisecond SDR link for go-no-go sniper-shooter-commander were show stoppers in the stall.
Even the RM, during the whirlwind tour of Hall 1 paused to enquire about the robotic rover controlled by Exicom SDR.
Exicom is this providing a SDR solution in COFDM waveform ideally suited for
- Robustly networked mobile and static entities of security forces
- Autonomous vehicles
- Remote Robotic arm control
- Synchronised situational awareness
- Swarm drones ( UAVs)
- Networked Maritime fleets
- Air to Air MANET

Exicom show cases an innovative solution for an extremely low footprint Tactical Communication System meeting the DefExpo 2020 objective of Digital Transformation of Defence and Security Forces