With facilities in Bangalore, Coimbatore and Delhi, Esterline supports with direct investments the Make in India program
Quepem,Goa. 30 March, 2016. Esterline featured its Codis line of rugged visualization solutions and Racal Acoustics range of high-performance personal-communications equipment.
Esterline’s facilities in Bangalore, Coimbatore and Delhi demonstrate its ongoing commitment to the Make in India initiative, an Indian government program to support foreign as well as domestic companies to manufacture their products in India. Since its launch in September 2014, India has become the number one destination worldwide for foreign direct investment.
With its Codis and Racal Acoustics brands, Esterline has specific capabilities in rugged visualization technologies and high-reliability communications that can support the Battlefield Management System (BMS) and Futuristic Infantry Combat Vehicle (FICV) programs of the Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD).