DRDO signs Bilateral Innovation Agreement  with Directorate of Defence R&D, Israel
  • Agreement to promote innovation in startups & MSMEs of both countries for development of dual use technologies
  • Startups & industry to bring out next generation technologies & products in areas such as Drones, Robotics & Artificial Intelligence
  • Development efforts to be jointly funded by DRDO & DDR&D, Israel
  • For development of dual use technologies

New Delhi. 09 November 2021. As a tangible demonstration of the growing Indo–Israeli technological cooperation, Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Directorate of Defence Research and Development (DDR&D), Ministry of Defence, Israel have entered into a Bilateral Innovation Agreement (BIA) to promote innovation and accelerated R&D in startups and MSMEs of both countries for the development of dual use technologies. The agreement was signed between and Secretary, Department of Defence, R&D & Chairman DRDO Dr G Satheesh Reddy and Head of DDR&D, Israel BG (Retd) Dr Daniel Gold.

Under the agreement, startups and industry of both countries will work together to bring out next generation technologies and products in the areas such as Drones, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum technology, Photonics, Biosensing, Brain-Machine Interface, Energy Storage, Wearable Devices, Natural Language Processing, etc. Products and technologies will be customised to meet unique requirements of both the countries. The development efforts will be jointly funded by DRDO and DDR&D, Israel. The technologies developed under BIA will be available to both countries for their domestic applications.

Israel is one of the leading startup hubs. It has over 6,000 startups and the biggest achievement is that it attracts more venture capital per person in the world. Israelis take pride in the fact that from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem to Bersheeba to Nazareth to Haifa startup is the buzz word and a source of revenue to more than three fourth of the Israeli youth. it is one nation which has been promoting entrepreneurship for decades. Israel spends about 4.4% of its GDP on research and development.

India is the largest buyer of Israeli military equipment and Israel is the second-largest supplier of military equipment to India after Russia. Military and strategic ties between the two nations extend to intelligence-sharing on terrorist groups and joint military training.