Moscow. 21 August 2021. The countdown to the VII International Military-Technical Forum popularly called ARMY-2021 has begun. In accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the international military-technical forum “ARMY-2021” will be held from 22 to 28 August, 2021.
Since 2015, the “ARMY” forum has confirmed its status as one of the leading exhibitions of weapons, military and special equipment, as well as an authoritative platform for discussing the development and strengthening of international military and military-technical cooperation.
The main indicators of the international military-technical forums “ARMY” clearly demonstrate the high level of this event. The Forum, as last year, will be held simultaneously with the International Army Games. For its preparation and implementation, an organizing committee was formed, which included heads and representatives of state authorities, state corporations, leading enterprises and organizations.
ARMY Forum will take place in Patriot Park, at the Kubinka airfield, the Alabino training ground, as well as at demonstration sites in all military districts and in the Northern Fleet. It will be attended by representatives of 115 foreign countries, as well as more than 1.5 thousand enterprises and industrial organizations. Four countries will present their national expositions.
Compared to last year, the exhibition area of the Forum has increased by more than 2.7 thousand square meters. More than 28 thousand samples of products and technologies will be presented at all sites.
The static exposition from the Russian Ministry of Defence will include 342 samples of weapons, military and special equipment, and in the dynamic display – 275 samples.
This year, within the framework of the Year of Science and Technology held in Russia, we will demonstrate a number of new products at the Forum. Among them is a new thematic cluster combining expositions in the field of artificial intelligence, electronic and information technologies.
The exposition of ERA Military Innovative Technopolis, the Innovation Day of the Ministry of Defence of the Russia Federation, the Diversification of the Russian Defence Industrial Complex and the first specialized exhibition Arktika showing promising models of equipment used in extremely low temperatures will be presented.
An exposition of export-oriented weapons and equipment, which will open on August 23, has been created especially for showing to foreign delegations, together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation and Rosoboronexport.
The pavilions of the industrial complex hosted the International Exhibition Products of leading enterprises of the Russian defence industry.
The dynamic program of the Forum will be presented at the Alabino training ground and the Kubinka airfield in the form of demonstrations of individual samples of military equipment during the breaks of the Tank Biathlon competition.
Another feature of the dynamic program will be a live broadcast on information screens in the Patriot park of demonstrations of the capabilities of weapons and military equipment from the Alabino training ground.
For the first time, the flight program includes a performance by the aerobatic teams of the Aerospace Forces with the participation of cadets of the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots.
A demonstration of the capabilities of modern and promising small arms is planned in the multifunctional firing centre of the Patriot Park.
On August 25 and 26, the Dronbiathlon championship in control of unmanned aerial vehicles and robotic systems will take place. Four teams will take part in it.
During the championship, the operators of the scientific companies of ERA Technopolis will demonstrate how to control a swarm of drones.
The scientific and business program of the Forum includes more than 200 events.
The most significant events will be congresses dedicated to artificial intelligence technologies for the defence and security of the state, as well as issues of diversification of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation.
We have noted a dynamic and progressive growth of interest in the Army Games both in Russia and abroad. This is confirmed by an almost double increase in the number of announced teams compared to last year. Accordingly, we expect the growth of competition.
A total of 34 contests are included in the Games program, including three new ones.
This year, the geography of the co-organizing countries has more than doubled compared to last year’s games. Competitions will be held in eleven states. For the first time, the competition will take place in Algeria, Vietnam, Qatar and Serbia.
The Seventh International Army Games will be the most massive in terms of the number of participants. The total number of teams exceeds 7 thousand people, more than 1.1 thousand units of weapons and militaryequipment are involved.
This year, for the first time, servicemen of the national armed forces of Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cyprus, Malaysia, Cameroon and the Kingdom of Eswatini will take part in the Games.
In just seven years, more than 30 thousand servicemen from 54 countries took part in the Games.
The closing ceremony of the Games and the presentation of the main cup to the winning country will take place on September 4 after the final of the Tank Biathlon.
Traditionally, the Games will continue the work of the Fan Club, thematic festivals and master classes. Visitors will be able not only to support their favorite team, but also to test themselves as a participant in the competition.
In addition, the International Army Games Museum is opening in the Patriot Park, which will become another center of attraction for guests and participants. The possibilities of the museum allow you to get acquainted with the geography of the holding and development of Games, the history of competitions and equipment of participants, to conduct presentations and draws of competitions. The museum will operate on a permanent basis even after the completion of the Army Games.