New Delhi.11 June 2024. India’s aviation industry is at the cusp of a significant transformation, marked by a renewed national carrier investing $70 billion in a new fleet and $400 million in cabin upgrades. The Aviation India 2024 summit, themed “New India Rising – How India’s Aviation Renaissance Can Achieve Global Ambitions,” will explore how this renaissance can position India as a global aviation hub. The event will gather regulators, airlines, airports, OEMs, and MROs to discuss strategies for competing with Gulf carriers and achieving world-class standards. Key sessions will cover regulatory growth, sustainability, regional competition, airport development, and the ‘Made in India’ initiative.

In addition to celebrating growth, the summit will address significant challenges in the industry. Notably, the Aviation Week Network will lead discussions on Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) practices, while AFM will focus on aviation training to meet the country’s ambitious growth targets. Airline and airport leaders from the Gulf and the Indian subcontinent, along with global sustainability experts, will offer insights and solutions to the industry’s pressing issues. This comprehensive program promises to provide valuable insights, foster discussions, and shape the future of India’s aviation industry.