- Empowering Police with Information Technology

New Delhi 21 July 2019. CISF was awarded NCRB Trophy for its in-house app “Training Management Software” (TMS).
BSN Reddy Asstt. Inspector General (Tech), CISF HQrs, New Delhi and Sonu Sikarwar Dy. Commandant, CISF HQrs, New Delhi (both mainly instrumental in development of this software) received the trophy for CISF from Hon’ble Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath.
Training Management Software (TMS) has been developed in-house by CISF & aims at digitalisation of activities related to Training.
CISF participated in the Computer Awareness Competition conducted by NCRB in order to encourage development of in-house police applications. Live demo and presentation of the software system was given to the award committee at NCRB Headquarters, New Delhi.
The Training Management Software was adjudged best IT Project of the year 2018 by NCRB for “Empowering Police with Information Technology”.