New Delhi. 02 August 2020. BSF officers posted in Delhi underwent FPET (Field Physical Efficiency Test) today at BSF Chhawla Camp New Delhi in presence of S S Deswal, DG BSF.
FPET is a combination of physical activities like running, rope work and clearing obstacles. All BSF troops undergo this testing process twice every year and the results are reflected in APAR of individuals as well.

Addressing the officers after the event, DG BSF emphasized the importance of physical fitness especially under the pandemic scenario as well as the onerous task BSF needs to perform while deployed under various scenarios.
The physical efficiency test is designed in a manner that the person tests himself/herself at each step of it. The endurance needed for pushing oneself further and accomplishing the task provides much needed satisfaction and self-confidence.

This physical test has helped officers reboot their confidence levels to new highs and would help set an impressive precedent of keeping all ranks combat ready and fit at all places of deployment.