Canberra. 11 November 2020. Australian Defence joins all Australians on Remembrance Day to honour those who have given their life in service to our nation on operations for more than a century.
The Chief of the Defence Force, General Angus Campbell, AO, DSC, attended the National Ceremony at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra and reflected on the significance of Remembrance Day.
“On November 11, we pause to reflect on the legacy of the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation,” General Campbell said.
“In commemorating those who have come before us, we honour their contribution to our defence force and continue to draw on their example in challenging times.”
Many servicemen and women are currently deployed on Australian Defence Force operations around the world, actively defending Australia and its national interests, and providing assistance domestically to support the Whole-of-Government effort to address the impact of COVID-19.
On 11 November 1918, the guns of the Western Front fell silent after four years of continuous warfare. With their armies retreating and close to collapse, German leaders signed an Armistice, bringing to an end the First World War. From the summer of 1918, the five divisions of the Australian Corps had been at the forefront of the allied advance to victory. Beginning with their stunning success at the battle of Hamel in July, they helped to turn the tide of the war at Amiens in August, followed by the capture of Mont St Quentin and Pèronne, and the breaching of German defences at the Hindenburg Line in September. By early October the exhausted Australians were withdrawn from battle. They had achieved a fighting reputation out of proportion to their numbers, but victory had come at a heavy cost. They suffered almost 48,000 casualties during 1918, including more than 12,000 dead.

In the four years of the war more than 330,000 Australians had served overseas, and more than 60,000 of them had died. The social effects of these losses cast a long shadow over the postwar decades.
Each year on this day Australians observe one minute’s silence at 11am, in memory of those who died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts.
Traditionally on Remembrance Day the Australian War Memorial hosts the nation’s key commemoration. The ceremony includes a formal wreathlaying and the observance of a minutes silence at 11am. The ceremony includes the participation and support on parade of Australia’s Federation Guard and the Band of the Royal Military College, Duntroon.
On 11 November 2020, in light of the restrictions resulting from the pandemic, the format of the ceremony was altered to ensure it complied with COVID-safe rules. The Australian War Memorial held a Remembrance Day commemorative ceremony attended by a limited number of invited guests; and broadcast live nationally across Australia by the ABC and made available afterwards on ABC iView.The Commemorative address was delivered by Corporal Daniel Keighran VC.