• The Board of Directors of Indra Group has approved the appointment following an extraordinary  meeting, in which Marc Murtra formally tendered his resignation as Director and Executive  Chairman of the company 

Madrid, January 19, 2025. – On this date, an extraordinary meeting of the Board of Directors of Indra Group  was held, in which Marc Murtra formally tendered his resignation as Director and Executive Chairman of the  company, as well as from his positions as Chairman of the Executive Committee and of the Strategy Committee  of Indra Group, after having been appointed, yesterday, Director and Executive Chairman of Telefónica, S.A.  

The Board of Directors thanked Marc Murtra for his dedication and work, valuing very positively his contribution  as Chairman to the promotion and realisation of a very relevant transformation of the Indra Group and a solid  business project for the coming years. 

The Board of Directors has adopted the following resolutions:  

  •  To approve, prior a favourable report of the Appointment and Corporate Governance Committee, the  appointment, by co-optation procedure, of Ángel Escribano Ruiz as director of the company. 
  •  In order to ensure an adequate handover of the executive chairmanship of the company, to appoint  Ángel Escribano as Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors and confer unto him the same executive  functions within the corporate and institutional fields as those granted in favour of Marc Murtra, additional to  those relating to his position as Chairman of the Board of Directors, which will be exercised in coordination  with operational and business guidance provided by the Chief Executive Officer, José Vicente de los Mozos. 
  • Likewise, in accordance with the provisions of article 249.3 of the Spanish Companies Act (“Ley de  Sociedades de Capital”), the Board of Directors, prior a favourable report of the Remuneration Committee, has  agreed to approve Ángel Escribano’s executive services contract, which maintains the same remuneration  conditions of the former Executive Chairman, Marc Murtra, as well as the granting of sufficient powers for the  exercise of the aforementioned functions powers. 

The abovementioned resolutions ensure continuity in the implementation of the Strategic Plan 2024-2026, and  are supported by the significant shareholders of the company. 

Profile of Ángel Escribano 

Founder, along with his father and brother Javier, of the company Mecanizados Escribano in 1989, Ángel  Escribano has been the chairman of EM&E Group so far. Along with his brother Javier, is the architect of the  reshaping of a company that grew from manufacturing mechanical parts according to third-party specifications  to now designing, developing and manufacturing complex defence systems such as remote-control weapon  stations, electro-optical systems and guided ammunition kits.  

Ángel Escribano has worked in virtually every operational area of the company, completing his training in  different departments, from CNC machine operation to commercial management, as well as different tasks in  operations planning and quality management. 

He is a member of the Board of Directors of the companies TESS DEFENCE and SMS.