It has been a month exactly since ADU became an entity. A look back and 8th October was a day of great excitement for all of us who stayed awake to watch the website go live at 0000hrs. It was a dream fulfilled and a step towards becoming a part of the big but niche world of aerospace and defence and hope to bring forth a complete understanding of the two areas, both now and in the future.
When a UN report said India has a “long way” to go before it matches China’s role in the Asia-Pacific region’s trade and investment flows and the country’s success will depend on its ability to speed up implementation of necessary structural reforms, we at ADU questioned ourselves- is there a role for us to do to change this perception? In our little way we hope to communicate to the world and the UN that India can be behind but only trailing . The ‘long way’ surely is not that long. Its our aim to put forth to the world, all the technical know how, skills availability and manufacturing excellence which makes India a destination of choice for production. In our little way we will match steps with the country’s Make in India march. Our ‘Potential Make in India Partners’ section is for such foreign and Indian OEMs , SMEs and ancillary industries.
Military technology may be researched and developed by scientists and engineers , used in battle by the armed forces but needs to be communicated to the world. The line is porous; military inventions have been brought into civilian use throughout history, with sometimes minor modification if any, and civilian innovations have similarly been put to military use. Our aim at ADU is to create a platform to showcase these technologies and research and development for the Indian as well as global market.
But all this will be incomplete without remembering the end user-our armed forces, paramilitary and police force. It will be our aim to let the world know about all that is happening at their end. The Army, Navy and Air Force are not only the strength of India but also of each and every Indian. ADU aims to play a role in creating an informed citizenry which takes pride in the soldiers who keep awake at the borders so that they can sleep in peace. We will bring forth all that is happening on their front in a time of no war and no peace in India.
Content is definitely king but so is good journalism. ADU will always aspire to indulge in journalism which is ethical, inspired and true.The one thing we are sure of is the purpose of the magazine. ADU will always be foremost about free expression, accuracy, brevity, clarity and authenticity. Editors here are always willing to make improvements in the cause of writing and reporting.
And in this journey which began a month ago we want all of you to be with us forever. No bidding adieus this time.
Sangeeta Saxena
8th November, 2015