New Delhi. 07 May 2021. On 06.05.2021 at about 1630 hrs an Air Ambulance charter flight No.VT-JIL bound from Bagdogra to Mumbai carrying a patient landed at Nagpur airport for refuelling.
After refuelling at about 1750 hrs after the take off for Mumbai the rear wheel of the aircraft fell off in the air. Head Constable Ravi Kant Avala of CISF who was deployed at Watch Tower near the runway of Nagpur airport noticed the incident and immediately informed the matter over telephone to SOCC (Security Operational Control Centre) who in term reported the matter to ATC Tower. Immediately, ATC, Nagpur informed about the missing rear wheel to the Pilot of the aircraft and the arrangements were made at Mumbai airport for safe landing of the aircraft.
The aircraft belly landed safely at about 2109 hrs at Mumbai airport. Along with the Pilot and CO-Pilot, one patient, a doctor and a paramedic were on board in the air ambulance, if Head Constable Ravi Kant Avala had not shown alertness, major tragedy could have occurred during the landing of the aircraft. The keen observation and mindful action taken by the CISF personnel averted a major accident and saved the lives of the pilots and passengers.
S K Jaiswal, DG, CISF has appreciated the keen observation and mindful action taken by Head Constable Ravi Kant Avala and has announced Cash reward of Rs.10,000/-, DG’s commendation DISC and commendation certificate to Head Constable Ravi Kant Avala.