New Delhi. 01 October 2018. Air Marshal Anil Khosla, took over as the VCAS on 01 Oct 18. An alumni of the NDA, was commissioned in Dec 79. He has over 4000 hours of accident free flying on different types of fighter aircraft. His last appointment was AOC-in-C EAC.

Born on 09 Apr 59, Air Marshal an alumni of the National Defence Academy, was commissioned in Indian Air Force in Dec 79. Air officer has over 4000 hours of accident free flying mainly on different variants of Jaguar, Mig-21 and Kiran aircraft.
Air Officer has been Directing Staff at prestigious institutions like Tactics and Combat Development Establishment (TACDE) and Flying Instructor School (FIS).

He has commanded a Jaguar squadron with maritime role and two frontline bases of the IAF at Jaisalmer & Ambala. As an Air Marshal he has held appointment of Senior Air Staff Officer, Central Air Command, Director General Air (Operations) at Air HQ (Vayu Bhawan) and Director General (Inspection & Safety) at Air HQ (RK Puram). His last appointment was AOC-in-C EAC.
For his distinguished service Air Marshal Anil Khosla has been awarded Param Vishisht Seva Medal, Ati Vishisht Seva Medal,Vayu Sena Medal and has been commended by the CAS. He was also commended by AOC-in-C, during flying training period as a cadet.