Dear Friends
This is Aviation & Defence Universe welcoming you all from the beautiful city of Chandigarh. Today is 8th October 2022 and a day of twin celebrations for us. We are here to cover the 90th anniversary of the Indian Air Force and celebrate 7 years of our existence.
Our inception coincided with the Air Force Day in 2015. ADU covered defence forces, para – military forces , civil aviation ,aerospace industry & all that encompasses these areas. The journey has been not a roller coaster ride but a smooth incline curve. The credit goes to our readers who not only encouraged us by their viewership but also gave constructive suggestions. These were seriously considered and implemented post- haste.
Our Advisory Board comprises of illustrious members of our Society ,mainly from Foreign Service, Administrative Service ,top brass of Army , Air Force ,Navy & Police .We also have members from the academia and cyber space ,which is so relevant in the present scenario. Their contribution has been immense and keep indebted and motivated.
From written content to live coverage to videos we added something new every 8th October to remind ourselves that we need to grow both in content creation and catching eyeballs. We constantly felt the need to reinvent ourselves. So we brainstormed to get the best out of the creative team, implanted it within the realms of professional and ethical norms . Our complete coverage is based on our motto We Report Facts We Don’t Change Them.
We are grateful to our authors and contributors who wrote relevant articles as and when approached. They are our backbone and we salute them and solicit their support in future. We are also extremely obliged for all the guidance and motivation given to us by the esteemed advisory board members who have professional expertise, military zeal and futuristic outlook.
We are indebted to our advertisers who have shown faith in us and continue to support us.
This is Sangeeta Saxena Editor Aviation & Defence Universe which you we fondly call ADU, thanking you all to have been with us in this enjoyable journey of seven years. Wishing you all happy reading, exciting viewing & enjoyable listening.
Yes you heard it right – enjoyable listening because on our 7th birthday we get you something new- a podcast which will be ADU’s audio commentary on events, issues and occasions with both national and global fervour. So keep a look out for the weekly ADU’s podcasts which plan to educate and entertain .
So friends this is our first podcast and from here we take off on a journey which promises to be exciting. Our boots are on the ground and wish you all smooth sailing and safe landings.