New Delhi, the 30th September, 2015 .G.S.R.751 (E).––The Central Government, being of opinion that it is necessary and expedient to do so for the safety of aircraft operations, proposes to make the following certain rules, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and clause (o) and clause (r) of sub-section (2) of section 5 read with section 9A of the Aircraft Act, 1934 (XXII of 1934) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), and in supersession of the Ministry of Civil Aviation notification number S.O.84(E), dated the 14th January, 2010 published in the Gazette of India, Part II, section 3, sub-section (ii), except as respect things done or omitted to be done before such supersession. The objections or suggestions on the draft S.O. were called from the stakeholders and are considered by the Government to the extent admissible. In the public interest the rules are notified by seeking exemption from putting the rules again in the public domain. 1. Short title and commencement.–– (1) These rules may be called the Ministry of Civil Aviation (Height Restrictions for Safeguarding of Aircraft Operations) Rules, 2015. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application .–– These rules shall apply to all civil and defence aerodromes listed in Schedule III to Schedule VII, as amended from time to time. 3. Definitions.–– In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, –– (i) “Act” means the Aircraft Act, 1934 (XXII of 1934); (ii) “aerodrome” includes civil and defence airports, airstrips, communication, navigation and surveillance facilities used for the aeronautical purposes in India; (iii) “aerodrome elevation” means the elevation of the highest point of the landing area as specified in Schedule III to Schedule VII; (iv) “Authorised officer” means the officer authorised by the defence authorities for the purposes of these rules; (v) “Airports Authority” means the Airports Authority of India constituted under section 3 of the Airports Authority of India Act, 1994 (55 of 1994); (vi) “Colour Coded Zoning Map” of an airport means the map, prepared and certified by the Airports Authority indicating the areas around the airport in different colour coded grids with the permissible heights above mean sea level for the purpose of aerodrome safeguarding and a model Colour Coded Zoning Map of Navi Mumbai International Airport is given at Schedule IX; (vii) “Designated officer” means the officer of Airports Authority of India responsible for processing and/or issuance of No Objection Certificate as specified in Appendix M of Schedule VIII; (viii) “No Objection Certificate” means the certificate issued under rule 5; (ix) “structure” includes building, mast, tower, chimney, poles, transmission lines, elevated roads or viaducts or bridges and elevated railway lines, wind farms and all other man-made structures; (x) Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act. 4. Restrictions on constructions, erections, trees, etc.–– (1) No structure shall be constructed or erected, or any tree planted or grown on any land within a radius not exceeding twenty kilometers from the Aerodrome Reference Point of the civil and defence aerodromes, as specified in Schedule III to Schedule VII, without obtaining a No Objection Certificate for the height clearance, except in cases specified in subrule (2) of rule 7. (2) No structure shall be constructed or erected, or any tree planted or grown on any land within the areas specified in Schedule I of the civil and defence aerodromes, as listed in Schedule III to Schedule VII, except for essential navigational aids and other installations required for aeronautical purposes. (3) No structure higher than the height specified in Schedule II, shall be constructed or erected and no tree, which is likely to grow or ordinarily grows higher than the height specified in the said Schedule shall be planted on any land within a radius of twenty kilometers from the Aerodrome Reference Point. ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 63 (4) The level roads and level railway lines within one kilometer of the airport boundary wall shall also be subject to issuance of the No Objection Certificate. 5. Issuance of No Objection Certificate.–– (1) The No Objection Certificate in respect of civil aerodromes shall be issued by the designated officer on behalf of the Central Government in respect of civil aerodromes. (2) The No Objection Certificate in respect of defence aerodromes shall be issued by the authorised officer in accordance with Schedule I and Schedule II, subject to such other conditions as the said authorised officer may deem fit. (3) In case of State owned and private aerodromes, licensed by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, the No Objection Certificate for the protection of obstacle limitation surfaces (OLS) at such airports shall be issued by the designated officer and the procedure in cases of State owned and private aerodromes, not licensed by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, shall be regulated in the manner as specified in rule 13. (4) The application for issuance of No Objection Certificate in respect of civil aerodromes, shall be made by the applicant to the designated officer through the No Objection Certificate Application System (NOCAS), accessible on the website of the Airports Authority at 6. Issuance of Colour Coded Zoning Map.–– The Colour Coded Zoning Maps (CCZM) shall be issued by the Airports Authority based on the latitude & longitude of the area in respect of civil aerodromes which shall indicate through different colour coded grids, the permissible heights in the areas around the airport, falling within the radius not exceeding twenty kilometers from the Aerodrome Reference Point. The CCZM shall be available at AAI website 7. Approval for construction of buildings, structures, etc.–– (1) After considering the No Objection Certificate issued by the designated officer or the authorised officer, the concerned Local, Municipal or Town Planning and Development Authorities shall approve the construction of buildings or structures not exceeding the Permissible Top Elevation. Local, Municipal or Town Planning and Development Authorities shall also consider the existing building regulations or bye-laws or any other law for the time being in force before approving the construction of buildings or structures. (2) In cases of aerodromes where the Colour Coded Zoning Maps has been issued, the Local, Municipal or Town Planning and Development authorities shall, in accordance with the height specifications provided in such Colour Coded Zoning Maps, approve the construction of the structures, as per the existing building regulations or bye laws or any other law for the time being in force: Provided that no such approval shall be given by the Local, Municipal or Town Planning and Development authorities for sites which lies in approach, take off and transitional areas of an airport or in any other area, marked in the Colour Coded Zoning Map for the compulsory obtaining of No Objection Certificate from the designated officer or authorised officer. (3) The Local, Municipal or Town Planning and Development authorities shall certify on the sanction plan that the Floor Space Index or Floor Area Ratio and the related height of the building or structure is within the permissible elevation as indicated in the Colour Coded Zoning Map for the given site. (4) The Local, Municipal or Town Planning and Development Authorities shall submit the details of structures approved under sub-rule (1) and sub-rule (2) to the concerned designated officer or the authorised officer within a period of thirty days from the date of such approval. 8. Clearances for siting towers of fixed wireless stations.–– (1) The clearances in respect of siting towers of fixed wireless stations shall be issued by the Standing Advisory Committee on Radio Frequency Allocation (SACFA) of the Ministry of Communication & Information Technology, Government of India, taking into consideration the heights above mean sea level specified in the Colour Coded Zoning Map. (2) The Standing Advisory Committee on Radio Frequency Allocation (SACFA) of the Ministry of Communication, Government of India, shall submit the details of siting towers of fixed wireless stations approved under sub-rule (1) to the concerned designated officer or the authorised officer within a period of thirty days from the date of such approval. 9. Processing of No Objection Certificate cases.–– (1) Processing of NOC cases in respect of civil aerodromes shall be carried out at nine Airports Authority offices one each at Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Guwahati Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad and Nagpur airports. (2) The designated officer available at the offices specified in sub-rule (1) shall be responsible for the processing of applications and issue of No Objection Certificate and/or issue authorization for issuance of NOC for height clearance by concerned designated officer with respect to the civil aerodromes. 64 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] (3) A Panel of Chartered Engineers and Surveyors may be assigned by the Airports Authority to carry out physical verification of details of Site Elevation and Coordinates as submitted by the applicant. The expenses of the same shall be borne by the applicant. (4) The officer in-charge of the corporate office at the headquarters of the Airports Authority in New Delhi shall supervise the functioning of the regional and station level offices. 10. Duties of designated officer.–– (1) The designated officers, specified in Appendix M of Schedule VIII, shall be responsible for issuance of No Objection Certificate in respect of civil aerodromes and shall coordinate with the respective Local, Municipal or Town Planning and Development authorities in granting approval for construction of buildings or structures. (2) The designated officer shall forward the copy of NOCs issued by him under sub-rule (1) above to the concerned airport operator and respective Local, Municipal or Town Planning & Development authorities. 11. Appellate Committee.–– (1) There shall be an Appellate Committee consisting of the following, namely:- (a) Joint Secretary (Airports), Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India – Chairperson; (b) Joint Director General of Civil Aviation (Aerodrome), Directorate General of Civil Aviation – Member; (c) Member (Air Navigation Services), Airports Authority of India – Member; and (d) One technical expert having knowledge in the field of communication or air traffic management – Member. (2) If any person or Local, Municipal or Town Planning and Development authorities or any airport operator is aggrieved with the decision of the Designated officer, such person or entity may appeal to the Appellate Committee for redressal of his/their grievances with respect to the height permissible under these rules. (3) The cases for reference to the Appellate Committee specified in sub-rule (2) shall be received and processed by the corporate office at the headquarters of the Airports Authority in New Delhi. 12. Responsibilities of local authorities and airport operators.–– (1) For the effective verification, monitoring and controlling the obstructions around the airports, it shall be the responsibility of the Local, Municipal or Town Planning and Development authorities and the airport operator to ensure that the height of the structures and their locations are in accordance with the approved building plans and the No Objection Certificate issued by the concerned designated officer or the authorised officer. (2) For the purposes of sub-rule (1), the Local, Municipal or Town Planning and Development authorities and the airport operator shall develop appropriate mechanism with necessary trained manpower and equipment so as to verify the height of the structures, site elevations and site location or coordinates in World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84). 13. Procedure to be followed in case of State owned and private airports not licensed by Directorate General of Civil Aviation.–– (1) In case of State owned or private aerodromes not licensed by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, the concerned State Government shall be responsible for the protection of obstacle limitation surfaces at such airports: Provided that the designated officer shall give guidance to the State Government on the protection of obstacle limitation surfaces, whenever such guidance is sought by the concerned State Government. 14. Development and up gradation of aerodromes.–– (1) The approved master plan of the aerodromes shall be considered for drawing and protecting the various obstacle limitation surfaces to ensure its development and future expansion or up-gradation. (2) The designated officer or the authorised officer, before issuing the No Objection Certificate in respect of development or upgradation of any aerodrome (including its runway dimension), shall take into consideration the proposed communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS) facilities and the procedure for Air Navigation Service Operations (PANS-OPS) for height clearance at a given airport. (3) Necessary consultation with the concerned stakeholders shall be carried out by the airport developer, airport operator or by the Air Navigation Service provider, as the case may be, at the time of development of master plan of a Greenfield airport or planning of major airport expansion or the installation of new communication, navigation and surveillance facilities at the existing airports. (4) The aerodrome developer or operator and ANS provider, as the case may be, shall submit the approved master plan of the aerodrome and the proposed development or up gradation of any aerodrome (including ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 65 its runway dimensions, communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS) facilities and the procedure for Air Navigation Service Operations (PANS-OPS) to the concerned designated officer). 15. Procedure in case of violations.–– The cases of violations where the height of any existing building, structure or tree on any land within the limits specified in rule 4 exceeds the height specified in Schedule I and Schedule II, or any other violation arising out of non-compliance of the provisions of these rules, shall be dealt in accordance with the provisions of the Aircraft (Demolition of Obstructions caused by Buildings and Trees etc.) Rules, 1994. 16. Savings.––Nothing in these rules shall affect the height clearances assessed and duly issued under the notifications issued by the Government of India in the Ministry of Civil Aviation vide notification numbers S.O. 84(E) dated the 14th January, 2010, and S.O 1589(E) dated the 30th June, 2008, during their assessment validity period of eight years for the buildings and twelve years for the structures such as masts, chimney and towers etc., within which the applicants have to complete the structures and obtain the completion certificate from the concerned authorities: Provided that in cases where the construction work has not started during the initial validity period of five years for the buildings or within seven years for the structures such as mast, chimney, etc., revalidation shall not be considered and the height of such buildings or structures shall be reassessed in accordance with the provisions of these rules. SCHEDULE – I Purpose: Schedule- 1 indicates the No Construction Zones (NCZ) i.e. the areas around the Aeronautical Ground Aids (AGA) and Communication Navigation & Surveillance (CNS) facilities which need to be kept free from all obstructions for the safety and regularity of aircraft operations. 1. Runway 1.1. Runway Strip: The Land area specified below shall be completely free from all obstacles as provided hereunder (Refer Appendix-1 of Schedule – I):- 1.1.1. The land comprising within the Runway strip of uniform width of 150 meters on either side of centerline which extends to 60 meters beyond each extremity of Runway, along the extended centerline of a Runway of code 3 or code 4, equipped with Instrument Approach Procedure. 1.1.2. The land comprising within the Runway strip of uniform width of 75 meters on either side of centerline which extends to 60 meters beyond each extremity of Runway, along extended centerline of the Runway of code 1or 2, equipped with Instrument Approach Procedure and for non-Instrument runway of code 3 or 4. 1.1.3. The land comprising within the Runway strip of uniform width of 40 meters on either side of centerline which extends to 60 meters beyond each extremity of Runway ,along extended centerline of the non-Instrument Runway of code 2. 1.1.4. The land comprising within the Runway strip of uniform width of 30 meters on either side of centerline which extends to 30 meters beyond each extremity of Runway, along extended centerline of the non-instrument runway of code 1. 1.2. Installation of Extra High Tension, High Tension lines shall not be permitted within 1500 metres of the Inner edge of the approach and take-off climb surface. 2. Frangibility Requirement: 2.1. Any equipment or installation required for air navigation purposes which must be located: (a) On that portion of the runway strip within: i) 75 meters of the Runway centerline where the Runway code is 3 or 4 or ii) 45 meters of the Runway centerline where Runway code is 1 or 2; or (b) on a runway end safety area, a taxiway strip or within the distances specified in CIVIL AVIATION REQUIREMENTS SECTION-4, SERIES ‘B’, PART I Aerodrome Design and Operations or (c) on a clearway and which would endanger an aircraft in the air, 66 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] shall be frangible and mounted as low as possible. 2.2 Any equipment or installation required for air navigation purposes which must be located on or near a strip of precision approach Runway ILS category I, II or III and which- (a) is situated on that portion of the runway strip within 77.5 meters of the Runway centerline where the code number is 4 and code letter is F; or (b) is situated within 240 meters from the end of the runway strip and within- (i) 60 meters of the extended runway centerline where Runway code is 3 or 4 (ii) 45 meters of the extended Runway centerline where Runway code is 1 or 2; or (iii) penetrates the inner approach surface, the inner transitional surface or the balked landing surface, shall be frangible and mounted as low as possible. 3. Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) Facilities 3.1. Very High Frequency Omni Range (VOR)/collocated Distance measuring Equipment (DME) and Very High Frequency Direction Finder (VHF DF): A land area within the 300 meters radius of the facility. 3.2. Localizer or LLZ (a component of ILS, providing azimuth guidance): the land area bounded by the following namely (Refer diagram at Appendix-L of Schedule VIII) :- 3.2.1. A line 300 meters in the direction of approach or nearest end of the runway, whichever is greater from localizer antenna and perpendicular to the runway. 3.2.2. A line 60 meters from the centerline of localizer antenna on both side and parallel to the runway. 3.2.3. A line containing centre of localizer antennas and perpendicular to the runway; and 3.2.4. Area within circle of 75 meters radius with centre at middle of the antenna system; 3.3. Glide Path (a component of ILS providing vertical guidance): the area bounded by the following, namely (Refer diagram at Appendix-K of Schedule VIII):- 3.3.1. A line 300 meters in the direction of approach from the glide path facility; 3.3.2. A line containing glide path antenna and perpendicular of runway; 3.3.3. Near edge of the runway from the glide path; 3.3.4. A line 30 meters in the directions away from the runway and parallel to it. 3.4. Locators or Markers Beacons: The land within a radius of 30 meters of the site of markers and locator beacons. 3.5. Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR): No structure will be permitted on the land above the level of 3 meters below the pedestal height up to the distance of 500 meters from Radar antenna. 3.6. Air Routes Surveillance Radar (ARSR): No structure will be permitted on the land above the level of 5 meters below the pedestal height up to the distance of 200 meters from Radar antenna. 3.7. Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar/ Secondary Surveillance Radar (MSSR/SSR): The distance and the height restriction shall be the same as in respect of the Airport Surveillance Radar or Air Routes Surveillance Radar, depending upon operational usage. 3.8. Microwave Link: On corridor of 30 meters on either side of the direct line of azimuth and 10 meters below from the direct line of sight in the vertical plane; 3.9. Ultra High Frequency (UHF) Link: On a corridor of 30 meters on either side of the direct line of the azimuth and 10 meters below from the direct line of sight in the vertical plane. 3.10. En-route Beacons: Land within a radius of 30 meters around the antenna. 3.11. Remote Receiver: Land within a radius of 1525 meters of the site. ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 67 3.12. Stand-alone Distance Measuring Equipment / Automatic Dependence Surveillance – Broadcast (DME/ADS-B): No structure will be permitted on land above the level of 3 meters below the antenna base upto a distance of 150 meters from the antenna. 3.13. Airport Surface Detection Equipment (ASDE) or Surface Movement Radar (SMR): No structure will be permitted on the land above the level of 2 meters below the antenna base up to the distance of 200 meters from Radar antenna. 3.14. Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Reference Transmitter: No structure will be permitted on the land above the level of 5 meters below the antenna base up to the distance of 200 meters from Radar antenna. 3.15. A-SMGCS Multi-Lateration (MLAT): No structure will be permitted on the land above the level of 2 meters below the antenna base up to the distance of 200 meters from Radar antenna. 3.16. Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) Reference Receiver: No structure will be permitted on land up to the distance of 100 meters from antenna. 3.17. Ground Based Augmentation System VHF Data Broadcast (GBAS VDB) station: No structure will be permitted on the land up to the distance of 300 meters from antenna 3.18. GBAS VDB monitoring station: No structure will be permitted on the land up to the distance of 300 meters from antenna. 3.19. Global Position System (GPS) Pseudolite Restriction: No GPS Pseudolite shall be used within the approach funnel of any runway or within the airport where GNSS/GBAS based operation has been planned/exist. 3.20. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) repeater restriction: No GNSS repeater shall be installed/use in approach funnel and within the 500 meter from the basic strip where GNSS/GBAS based operation has been planned/exist. 4. Definitions and Explanation.- Some of the definitions of the terms used in the notifications have been provided below. For other terms, the CIVIL AVIATION REQUIREMENTS SECTION-4, SERIES ‘B’, PART I Aerodrome Design and Operations, ICAO annex 14, Annex 10 and Doc.8168 may be referred. i) Runway: A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and take-off of aircraft. ii) Runway end safety area (RESA). An area symmetrical about the extended runway centre line and adjacent to the end of the strip primarily intended to reduce the risk of damage to an aeroplane undershooting or overrunning the runway. iii) “Runway Strip” A defined area including the runway and stopway, if provided, intended: a) to reduce the risk of damage to aircraft running off a runway; and b) to protect aircraft flying over it during take-off or landing operations. iv) “Runway Code”, means the Runway Code number specified in column (1), in relation to the Runway length specified in column (2), of the Table below:- Table 1.1 DIMENSION OF RUNWAY STRIP RUNWAY INSTRUMENT RUNWAY NON-INSTRUMENT RUNWAY Runway Code Aerodrome Reference Field Length (ARFL) in (Meter) Width Extending laterally on either side of Runway Centre Line (Meter) Length beyond Runway End/Stop way (Meter) Width Extending laterally on either side of Runway Centre Line (Meter) Length beyond Runway End/Stop way (Meter) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1. <800 75 60 30 30 2. 800<1200 75 60 40 60 3. 1200<1800 150 60 75 60 4. 1800 & above 150 60 75 60 v) “Approach funnel” in relation to (Refer Appendix-1 of Schedule -I):- 68 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] (a) Instrument Runway Code 3 and 4, means the area in the shape of an isosceles trapezium having the longer parallel side 4800 meters long (2400 meters on either side of the extended centerline of the runway) and smaller parallel side 300 meters long (150 meters on either side of the extended centerline of the runway), where the smaller and longer parallel sides are placed at a distance of 60 meters and 15060 meters respectively, from the end of the runway and at right angles to the extended centerline; (b) Instrument Runway (Precision) Code 1 and 2, means the area in the shape of an isosceles trapezium having the longer parallel side 4650 meters long (2325 meters on either side of the extended centerline of the runway) and smaller parallel side 150 meters long (75 meters on either side of extended centreline of the runway) where the smaller and longer parallel sides are placed at a distance of 60 meters and 15060 meters respectively, from the end of the runway and at right angles to the extended centerline; (c) Instrument Runway (Non Precision) Code 1 and 2, means the area in the shape of an isosceles trapezium having the longer parallel side 900 meters long (450 meters on either side of the extended centerline of the runway) and smaller parallel side 150 meters long (75 meters on either side of the extended centerline of the runway), where the smaller and longer parallel sides are placed at a distance of 60 meters and 2560 meters respectively, from the end of the runway and at right angles to the extended centerline; (d) Non-Instrument Runway Code 3 and 4, means the area in the shape of an isosceles trapezium having the longer parallel side 750 meters long (375 meters on either side of the extended centerline of the runway) and smaller parallel side 150 meters long (75 meters on either side of the extended centerline of the runway), where the smaller and longer parallel sides are placed at a distance of 60 meters and 3060 meters respectively, from the end of the runway and at right angles to the extended centerline; (e) Non-Instrument Runway Code 2, means the area in the shape of an isosceles trapezium having the longer parallel side 580 meters long (290 meters on either side of the extended centerline of the runway) and smaller parallel side 80 meters (40 meters on either side of extended centreline of the runway) where the smaller and longer parallel sides are placed at a distance of 60 meters and 2560 meters respectively, from the end of the runway and at right angles to the extended centerline; (f) Non- Instrument Runway Code 1 means the area in the shape of an isosceles trapezium having longer parallel side of 380 meters long (190 meters on either side of the extended centreline of the runway) and smaller parallel side 60 meters (30 meters on either side of extended centreline of the runway) where the smaller and longer parallel sides are placed at a distance of 30 meters and 1630 meters respectively from the end of the runway and at right angles to the extended centreline. The diagrams of runway strip and approach funnel of instrument runway code 1,2,3 and 4 and non– instrument runway code 3 and 4 have been shown in the Appendix-1 of Schedule-I ; vi) “Instrument Runway” means a runway served by visual aids and non-visual aids providing directional guidance adequate for a straight in approach and intended for the operation of aircraft using instrument approach procedures; vii) Non-Precision Approach Runway- means an instrument runway served by visual aids and a nonvisual aid providing at least directional guidance adequate for a straight-in approach; viii) Precision approach runway, category I – An instrument runway served by Instrument Landing System and/or MLS and visual aids intended for operations with a decision height not lower than 60 meters and either a visibility not less than 800 meters or a runway visual range not less than 550 meters. ix) Precision Approach Runway, category II- An instrument runway served by Instrument Landing System and or MLS and visual aids intended for operations with a decision height not lower than 60 meters but not lower than 30 meters and a runway visual range not less than 350 meters. x) Precision Approach Runway, Category III- An instrument runway served by Instrument Landing System (ILS) and/or MLS to and along with surface of the runway and – (a) ILS CAT IIIA- intended for operations with a decision height lower than 30 meters, or no decision height and a runway visual range not less than 200 meters. ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 69 (b) ILS CAT IIIB- intended for operations with a decision height lower than 15 meters, or no decision height and a runway visual range less than 200 meters but not less than 50 meters. (c) ILS CAT IIIC- intended for operations with no decision height and no runway visual range limitations. xi) “Non-Instrument Runway” means a runway intended for operations of the aircraft using visual approach procedure. xii) “Very High Frequency Omni Range, Terminal Very High Frequency Omni Range, And Doppler Very High Frequency Omni Range” means the facilities operating in the Very High Frequency band of frequencies 112 to 118 MHz, radiate signals whereby an aircraft with the help of an instrument in its cockpit when tuned to the ground equipment frequency automatically gets its direction with respect to the facility and helps an aircraft to navigate on a predetermined course or home to an airport served by the facility. xiii) “Instrument Landing System (ILS)” means the facility which serves to help an aircraft to make a safe landing on the runway in conditions of poor visibility and comprises of the following component facilities, namely:- (a) Localizer facility which radiates Very High Frequency Signals which when picked up by an aircraft guide it onto the centerline of the runway in the horizontal plane and is normally situated about 305 meters from the runway end; (b) Glide Path facility radiates Ultra High Frequency signals and is normally situated about 275 meters to 305 meters from the runway threshold and offset about 122 meters to 137 meters from the centerline of the runway and provides the glide angle information to a landing aircraft with the help of an instrument in the cockpit which when tuned to the glide path frequency indicates whether the aircraft is flying up or down or along the correct glide angle; (c) Outer Marker or Outer Locator facility operating on 75 MHz in the Very High Frequency band is normally installed along the extended centerline of the runway at a distance between 3.5 and 6 nautical miles (1 nautical mile=1853 meters) and produces radiation pattern to indicate the landing aircraft, the pre-determined distance from the threshold along the Instrument Landing System glide path; xiv) “Radar” includes- (a) Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) which is a radar facility serving an aerodrome to scan the air traffic within 50 to 60 nautical miles of the aerodrome; (b) Air Routes Surveillance Radar (ARSR) or Secondary Surveillance Radar is a high power long-range radar covering a distance of 200 nautical miles approximately and it scans air traffic to a larger distance than Airport Surveillance Radar; xv) Communication and Navigational facilities include- (a) Microwave Link which is a radio facility whereby mostly intelligence/data is carried to the Air Traffic Control Display site; (b) Ultra High Frequency Link which is a radio relay facility operating in Ultra High Frequency Band; (c) Beacons which are radio transmitters operating in the Medium Frequency band from 200 to 400 KHz radiating omni directionally in the horizontal plane and an aircraft equipped with a suitable cockpit instrument can get its location automatically with respect to this facility. (d) Remote Receivers which are radio receiving stations (HF Band) installed at remote site away from factory or industrial areas to avoid interference link man-made static, etc. Note: Location of Navigational Aids shall be determined as per the provisions of Annex-10 of International Civil Aviation Organization. 70 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] Appendix-1 to Schedule -I ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 71 SCHEDULE-II Purpose: The height or permissible elevation for the structure, requiring grant of NOC, shall be calculated based upon the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 14 Obstacle Restriction and Removal, Annex 10 the Radio Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) aids and Doc 8168, Vol II defining the operational requirements for minimum altitudes of various segments of published or proposed instrument approach procedures. This annexure–II defines various OLS surfaces, requirements w.r.t. CNS and PAN-OPS, procedure to be followed while applying and processing the NOC for height clearance. 1. Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (based on ICAO Annex 14 and DGCA India Civil Aviation Requirements (CARs) on Aerodrome Design and Operations) are as under: 1.1 Take-off climb surface-The dimensions of the take-off climb surface shall not be less than the dimensions specified in the table given below except that if a runway is meant for takeoff, a lesser length may be adopted for the takeoff climb surface where such lesser length would be consistent with procedural measures adopted to govern the outward flight of aeroplanes. Table 2.1 -Dimensions and Slopes of Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (Runways Meant for Take-Off) Surface and dimension * Code Number 1 2 3 or 4 (1) (2) (3) (4) TAKE OFF CLIMB Length of inner edge 60 meters 80 meters 180 meters Distance from runway end 30 meters 60 meters 60 meters Divergence (each side) 10% 10% 12.5% Final width 380 meters 580 meters 1200 meters 1800 meters** Length 1600 meters 2500 meters 15000 meters Slope 5% 4% 2% * All dimensions are measured horizontally. **When the intended track includes changes of heading greater than 15 degree for operations conducted in IMC, VMC by night. 1.2 Transitional Surface 1.2.1 The outer limit of the transitional surface is determined by its intersection with the plane containing inner horizontal surface and the slopes of transitional surfaces are as given below, namely:- (i) Precision Approach Runway 14.3% (1:7) (ii) Non Precision Runway 14.3% (1:7) for code 3 & 4 20% (1:5) for code 1 & 2 (iii) Non-Instrument Runway 14.3% (1:7) for code 3 & 4 20% (1:5) for code 1 & 2; 72 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] The slope of the transitional surface shall be measured in a vertical plane at right angles to the centre line of the runway; 1.2.2 The elevation of a point on a lower edge shall be – (a) along the side of approach surface, equal to the elevation of approach surface at that point; and (b) along the strip, equal to the elevation of nearest point on the centre line of the Runway or its extension; 1.3 Approach Surface 1.3.1 The approach surface shall be established for each runway strip in the direction of intended landing of the aeroplanes and the limits and slopes are given table below: Instrument Runway Inner Edge of Approach Surface: Length of Inner edge – 150 meters for Code No. 1 and 2 – 300 meters for Code No. 3 and 4 Distance from runway threshold – 60 meters Divergence -15% on either side Length & Slope of Approach Surface: as given in table 2.2 Table 2.2 -Approach Surface Slope of Instrument Runway Runway Precision Approach Runway Non Precision Approach Runway Code No. Aerodrome Reference Field Length (meter) First Section Length & (Meter) Slope Second Section Length (Meter) & Slope First Section Length (Meter) & Slope Second Section Length (Meter)& Slope Horizontal Section (Meter) 1. <800 3000 2.5% 12000** 3% 2500 3.33% – – – – 2. 800<1200 3000 2.5% 12000** 3.00% 2500 3.33% – – – – 3. 1200<1800 3000 2% 3600 2.5% 3000 2% 3600 2.5% 8400* 4. 1800 and Above 3000 2% 3600 2.5% 3000 2% 3600 2.5% 8400* * Total length of approach surface for runway code number 3 and 4 with precision and non-precision shall be 15000 meters. ** Total length of approach surface for Precision approach Runway Code number 1 and 2 shall be 15000 meters. Non-Instrument runway Inner Edge of Approach Surface: Length of Inner edge – 60 meters for Code No. 1 – 80 meters for code No. 2 – 150 meters for Code No. 3 and 4 Distance from runway threshold – 30 meters for code 1 ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 73 – 60 meters for code No. 2, 3 and 4 Divergence -10% on either side Length & Slope of Approach Surface: as given in table 2.3 Table 2.3 -Approach Surface Slope of Non-Instrument Runway Runway Length and slope of approach surface Code No. Aerodrome Reference Field Length (meter) Length (Meter) Section Slope 1. <800 1600 5% 2. 800<1200 2500 4% 3. 1200<1800 3000 3.33% 4. 1800 & above 3000 2.5% Aerodrome where there are more than one runway with over-lapping approach areas and associated surface, most stringent of the two would be the applicable criteria. For determining the approach, the physical extremities of the runway shall only be considered. In case of displaced threshold the permissible height shall be calculated based on approach surface and transitional surface with respect to the runway extremity or displaced threshold whichever is more restrictive. At Aerodromes, where the proposals for runway extension exist, the requisite surface shall be determined from the proposed extension as well as from the existing runway strip/associated clearway, as applicable and the lower of the two elevations shall be permitted. The elevation of the associated runway extremity/displaced threshold/proposed extension of runway shall be the datum for approach surface. The slope of the approach surface shall be measured in a vertical plane containing the centerline of the runway. 1.4 Inner Horizontal Surface (IHS) 1.4.1 Dimensions and permissible heights of Inner Horizontal Surface are given in the table below: Table 2.4 -Dimensions and Permissible Heights of Inner Horizontal Surface Runway Instrument Non-Instrument Code No. Aerodrome Reference Field Length (meter) Radius (Meter) Height (Meter) Radius (Meter) Height above Aerodrome Elevation (Meter) 1. <800 3500* 45 2000* 45 2. 800<1200 3500* 45 2000* 45 3. 1200<1800 4000** 45 4000** 45 4. 1800 and Above 4000** 45 4000** 45 *For runway code number 1 and 2, radius of IHS shall be measured from the Aerodrome Reference Point (ARP). ** For runway code number 3 and 4, radius of IHS shall be measured from the runway extremity. The reference datum for Inner-Horizontal Surface shall be the aerodrome elevation as defined in clause (g) of the Explanation to this notification. 74 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] For Runway code 3 and 4, the Inner Horizontal Surface shall be a composite pattern, which consists of two circular areas centered at the two ends with a radius of 4000 meters. These areas shall be joined tangentially to form an elliptical shape as shown in Appendix-A of Schedule VIII. Where it is required to protect two or more widely spaced long runways, a more complex pattern involving four or more circular areas are formed. These areas should be joined tangentially by straight lines and the Inner Horizontal Surface shall be defined by the external limits of the resulting pattern (Refer Appendix -A of Schedule VIII). When two aerodromes are close to each other with overlapping circuits the Inner Horizontal Surface will be drawn as prescribed in para The inner horizontal surface of these two aerodromes shall be joined tangentially to form one common Inner Horizontal Surface. In case of common horizontal surface serving two aerodromes, the elevation of the Inner Horizontal Surface will be referenced to the lower of the two aerodromes. 1.5 Conical Surface 1.5.1 The conical surface shall be projected upwards and outwards from the periphery of the Inner Horizontal Surface. The slope 5% (1:20) of the conical surface shall be measured in a vertical plane perpendicular to the Inner Horizontal Surface. The reference datum for Conical Surface shall be the aerodrome elevations (Refer to Appendix -B of Schedule VIII for illustration of the various surfaces including the conical surface). Note: Where a part of Inner Horizontal Surface and conical surface lies below the approach/take-off climb surface, the permissible heights shall be the lowest of the applicable surfaces. 1.6 Outer Horizontal Surface (OHS) 1.6.1 The Outer Horizontal Surface shall extend to 15000 meters from the Aerodrome Reference Point for Aerodrome with runway code 3 and 4. 1.6.2 In case of Aerodrome with runway Code 2, the Outer Horizontal Surface shall extend to 14740 meters from Aerodrome Reference Point for Instrument runways and 13740 meters for NonInstrument runways. 1.6.3 Where combined Outer Horizontal Surface is established for two Aerodromes, the Outer Horizontal Surface shall be centered on the Aerodrome Reference Point of the Aerodrome of higher category. 1.6.4 Outer Horizontal Surface for Aerodrome with runway code No.1 shall not be established. 1.6.5 The Outer Horizontal Surface, would be defined such that the Conical Surface may continue to be extended at 5% slope to a point wherein the permissible maximum height of *300 meters (above aerodrome elevation) is reached and thereafter this surface is maintained upto 15 kilometers from Aerodrome Reference Point. Construction(s) protruding above these surfaces shall normally not be permitted. Obstructions existing in the area should be marked or lighted. *Note: In case of Defence Aerodromes, the permissible maximum height in conical and OHS shall be 150 meters above aerodrome elevation. 1.6.6 In order to avoid abrupt vertical changes in surfaces, the surfaces beyond the conical surfaces will slope laterally at 1:7 from edges of the approach and take off surfaces between the permissible heights of 150 meters to 300 meters (For illustration refer to Appendix -B of Schedule VIII). 1.6.7 The datum for Outer Horizontal Surface shall be the aerodrome elevation. 1.7 The Inner Approach, Inner Transitional and Balked Landing Surfaces (collectively referred as Obstacle Free Zone or OFZ): 1.7.1 Obstacles Free Zone shall be established for a runway equipped with precision approach (ILS) category I, II and III operations. The zone shall be kept free from fixed objects other air navigation aids, which must be near the runway, to perform their function, mounted on light weight frangible fixtures. Note: Obstacles Free Zone for runway code No. 1 and 2 are not established. The dimensions and slopes of the Obstacles free zone (Code 3 and 4) are given below. ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 75 The inner approach surface Width 120 meters Distance from Threshold 60 meters Length 900 meters Slope 2% The inner transitional surface Slope 33.3% Balked Landing Surface Length of the Inner edge 120 meters Distance from Threshold 1800 meters Divergence 10% Slope 3.33 % 2 Protection of Service volume of various Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Facilities (based on ICAO Annex 10 Navigational Aids) 2.1 Very High Frequency Omni Range (VOR), Terminal Very High Frequency Omni Range (TVOR), and collocated Very High Frequency Omni Range Distance Measuring Equipment (VOR DME) – No structure (located beyond the area of 300M radius as specified in Annexure I) shall subtend a vertical angle greater than 1.5 degree at the centre of the Very High Frequency Omni Range counterpoise from the horizontal plane passing through the counterpoise. 2.2 Stand-alone Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) – No steel towers, power lines, metal buildings (located beyond the area of 150M radius as specified in Annexure I) shall protrude elevation angle of 3 degree measured from the base of Distance Measuring Equipment antenna. 2.3 Localizer 2.3.1 Within + 10 degrees azimuth in front of LLZ antenna, an object (located beyond the area specified in Annexure I) should not subtend an angle of elevation more than 0.75 degrees at the centre of antenna array. 2.3.2 Within + 10 degrees to + 35 degrees LLZ azimuth in front of antenna an object (located beyond the area specified in Annexure I) should not subtend an angle of elevation more than 1.1 degree. 2.3.3 Notwithstanding any thing in para 2.3.1 and 2.3.2, in all airports having/intended to have cat II and cat III ILS, all object in sector of + 18 degree for medium aperture antenna localizer and + 15 degree for wide aperture LLZ antenna, upto the distance of 1050M beyond threshold, to be analysed for their potential multipath effects on the performance of ILS. 2.4 Glide Path Beyond areas specified in Annexure I and within + 8 degrees azimuth in front of the glide path antenna (in the direction of approach), a building/structure should not subtend an angle of elevation of more than 1.1 degree at antenna base. 2.5 Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR); 2.5.1 Wherever airport is served or proposed to be served by a single ASR, following criteria shall be applicable: Beyond 500 meters from particular Radar site, the height of the permissible structures may be increased at the rate of 0.05 per meter, upto a point wherein the height of the permissible structure does not protrude above the line drawn from a point 10% below the minimum sector altitude at the farthest point (from Radar site) or any other designated MSA at different distance in same sector whichever is closer to horizon, to the centre of antenna pedestal, considering the Minimum Sector Altitude (MSA) in that particular sector. Beyond the above stated point no large object would be permitted to protrude above the line drawn from a point 10% below the minimum sector altitude at the farthest point (from Radar site) or any other designated MSA at different distance in same sector whichever is closer to horizon to the centre of antenna pedestal depending on the minimum Sector Altitude in that particular sector (For illustration refer to Appendix -C of Schedule VIII). Note: Large object means the structure/s in isolation or collectively subtending azimuth angle of 0.4 degree or above at Radar antenna. In case of cluster of buildings wherein the gap between the two adjacent buildings sub tends an azimuth angle of less than 0.4 degree on the antenna pedestal, the entire cluster should be considered as one object. 76 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] 2.5.2 Wherever airport is served or proposed to be served by Multiple Radars (more than one ASR), operational and integrated, following criteria shall be applicable: In case only one ASR is installed and the proposed ASRs are yet to be operationalized and integrated, the existing ASR will be considered for height calculations as per the provisions of 2.5.1. After multi radar system is operationalized and integrated, the maximum height permissible in the integrated system will be considered for calculation of height to the applicant. However, from the radar performance requirement point of view, the structures are to be examined, as follows, to ensure that there is no degradation of radar performance. I. Within one kilometer of any ASR in the system, structures shall be examined from the respective radar as per para 2.5.1. II. Between one and two kilometer, the metallic and large structures shall be examined from respective ASR as per para 2.5.1. III. Structures which are Non -metallic and are not termed as large objects may be permitted to higher height as per IV below, subject to condition that other structure(s) in vicinity do not form cluster with the structure under examination. IV. Objects beyond two kilometer from any one of the ASRs, highest permissible height among integrated & operational ASR sites shall be permitted as per para 2.5.1 Note: Above criterion will not be applicable for wind farms, high tension lines and electromagnetic source of interference. 2.6 Air Route Surveillance Radar (ARSR) Beyond 200 meters from particular Radar site the height of the permissible structures may be increased at the rate of 0.05 meter per meter, upto a point wherein the height of the permissible structure does not protrude above an angle of elevation of more than 0.5 degree at the antenna pedestal or an angle equal to antenna tilt angle set during last flight inspection whoever is higher. Beyond the above stated point no large object would be permitted to protrude above the line drawn at an angle of 0.5 degree from antenna pedestal or an angle equal to antenna tilt angle set during last flight inspection whichever is higher. Large object means the structure subtending azimuth angle of 0.4 degree or above at Radar antenna. In case of cluster of buildings wherein the gap between the two adjacent buildings sub tends an azimuth angle of less than 0.4 degree on the antenna pedestal, the entire cluster should be considered as one object (For illustration refer to Appendix -D of Schedule VIII). 2.6.1 Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar / Secondary Surveillance Radar (MSSR/SSR) Same as Air Surveillance Radar/Air Route Surveillance Radar depending on operational usage. 2.7 Automatic Dependence Surveillance –Broadcast (ADS-B) Beyond 150m from particular ADS-B site, the height of the permissible structures does not protrude above the line drawn from a point 10% below the minimum sector altitude at the farthest point (from ADS-B site) or any other designated MSA at different distance in same sector whichever is closer to horizon, to the centre of the antenna pedestal of ADS-B. 2.8 Advance Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS): No structure should be built on the relevant area of the airport surface which blocks the line of sight between any of the sensors of the Advance Surface Movement Guidance and Control System and the relevant operational area. In case there is an operational or safety/security requirement to add a structure on the airport surface which may obstruct the line of sight between Surface Movement Radar (SMR) antenna//sensors, AAI would augment the system to meet the Advance Surface Movement Guidance and control system operational requirement. 2.8.1 Surface Movement Radar (SMR) Beyond the distance of 200 M. from SMR antenna, no object should protrude the line of sight to nearest point of designated coverage volume of said SMR. 2.8.2 Beyond the distance of 200 M from A-SMGCS Ref TX no object should protrude the line of site to nearest point of designated coverage volume of said ref TX and corridor between ref TX and MLAT of 5 Mx5 M. ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 77 2.8.3 Beyond the distance of 200 M from A-SMGCS MLAT no object should protrude the line of designated coverage volume of said ref TX and a corridor between ref TX and MLAT of 5 Mx5 M. 2.9 Indian Land Uplink Station (INLUS)/Indian National Reference Station (INRES) of GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) System No structure will be permitted to protrude the above the plane inclined at elevation angle of 2 degree form the horizontal surface drawn at the level of antenna of Indian Land Uplink Station and Indian National Reference Station of GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation system which is a part of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). 2.10 Very High Frequency (VHF)/ Remote Controlled Air to Ground communication (RCAG) – no structure shall be allowed to protrude above the lowest line of sight of coverage of designated service volume of facility without proper mitigation. 2.11 Wind Turbine Generators/ Wind Farms- No Wind Turbine Generator/s shall be installed upto a distance of 10 KM in line of sight of the Radar Antenna of all Static Air Defence Radars and upto 8 KM from VOR and Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR). 2.12 Electricity Power Transmission Lines 2.12.1 No High Tension (HT) or Low Tension (LT) line shall be permitted to pass through the sensitive area of Localizer and glide path. 2.12.2 All HT lines will not be permitted to the following area until and unless these are shielded by permanent structures:- a. Localizer, with in ±18 degree, all HT lines will be permitted only up to an angle of elevation of 0.5 degree from the localizer. If these HT line are on the radial, these may be permitted to 0.75 degree elevation. In the sector between ± 18 degree to ± 35 degree line may be permitted up to the elevation angle of 0.75 degree. b. Glide Path, all HT lines will be permitted only up to an angle of elevation of 0.5 degree from the Glide Path. If the HT line is on the radial, it may be permitted to 0.75 degree elevation. c. VOR, HT lines shall be permitted below 0.5 degree at counterpoise and if these lines are on the radial, they may be permitted up to 1 degree. d. RADAR, power line above 11 KVA and up to 100 KVA may not be permitted up to 1 km and above 100 KVA up to 2 KM 3. Procedure for Air Navigation Services Operation (PANS-OPS) criteria (based on ICAO Document 8168, Volume II): 3.1 In order to achieve the lowest possible operating minima for aircraft operation, it is necessary to protect not only the Annex 14 OLS but also to safeguard the PANS-OPS [ICAO Document 8168] Surfaces. The limit of PANS-OPS surfaces extend up to 30NM from the facility i.e. VOR or NDB serving the aerodrome. Considerations need to be given to the objects which penetrate the PANSOPS surfaces, regardless whether or not they penetrate Annex 14 OLS. Such obstacle may result in an operational penalty like higher Obstacle Clearance Altitude/Height (OCA/H) and introduction of longer approach segment. Therefore, while examining the cases for issue of NOC from the considerations of Annex 14 and Annex 10 criteria as provided in para 1 and 2 above, the operational criteria needs to be considered based on the provisions of Documents 8168, Vol.-II. It needs to be ensured that the minimum altitudes of the following segments, published or the proposed, are not infringed: i. Minimum Sector Altitude (MSA) ii. Minimum Holding Altitude (MHA) iii. Minimum Vectoring Altitude (MVA) iv. Minimum Altitude of Initial and Intermediate Segments v. OCA/H (Straight-in-and Circling) for all aircraft categories vi. STARs /SIDs procedure altitude. vii. Basic ILS Surface 78 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] 3.2 Criterion specified in Doc 8168 Vol. II (PANS-OPS) for designing instrument procedures shall not be used for creating new structures as PANS-OPS surfaces are not intended to replace Annex 14 OLS as planning surfaces for creating new structures.” 3.3 For the obstacles located even outside the limits of Annex 14 OLS, it shall be ensured that PANSOPS surfaces of the published instrument approach procedures are not penetrated. Note 1: Instrument approach procedures of all the civil aerodromes in India have been published in the AIP India under the section “Aerodrome”. In the published procedures, the minimum altitudes of the various segments of instrument approach procedures have been specified. Note 2: The minimum obstacle clearance criteria are applied as per the provisions of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Document 8168 Volume II. Normally for minimum sector altitudes (Applicable upto 30 NM from the facility on which procedure is designed), minimum vectoring altitudes, minimum holding altitudes and for the initial approach an obstacle clearance of 1000 feet is applied. Note 3: Final approach areas of Very High Frequency Omni Radio Range (VOR)/Non Directional Beacon (NDB) have been illustrated in Appendix -E of Schedule VIII). 4. Shielding criteria The principle of shielding is applicable w.r.t. Natural Terrain, already penetrating one of the obstacle limitation surfaces of an airport and it is not likely to be removed. The shielding criteria as explained below is applicable w.r.t. AGA and CNS surfaces. 4.1 The principle of shielding will not to be applied in: I. Transitional surface area, II. Approach surface areas, within 4000 meters of the inner edge of approach surface. III. Inner Horizontal Surface (IHS), within a distance of 2500 meters from the runway centre line. In case of multiple runways, area encompassed by 2500M from centerline of all runways. 4.2 The following criteria shall be followed for the purpose of applying shielding criteria for the proposed structure with respect to existing natural terrain. 4.2.1 Proposed (shielded) object located beyond a distance of 2500M from runway centerline: (i) Draw a line joining the centre point of the plot to the nearest runway end (runway code no. 3 & 4) or ARP (code 1 & 2) as the case may be. Shielding will be applicable w.r.t. applicable terrain within the area bounded by the two lines drawn parallel to the above line, at a distance of 600M on either side. A line, across the highest point of applicable reference (shielding) terrain, perpendicularly to the above parallel lines shall be drawn to delineate the areas for different type of shielding i.e. negative or equal to the horizontal plane passing through top of reference terrain (For the illustrations refer to Appendix–F and Appendix-G of Schedule VIII). (ii) If the proposed structure is lying between the aerodrome and the reference terrain, a negative shielding of 10% shall be applicable. The shielding benefit of a horizontal plane, equal to reference terrain height, shall be provided in the area located in the opposite side away from the aerodrome (For the illustrations refer to Appendix–F and Appendix-G of Schedule VIII). 4.3 Communication Navigation Surveillance (CNS) Parameters: For CNS facilities, shielding benefit could be provided to the structures in cases wherein such structures (shielded) are in the shadow of the highest terrain of permanent nature. Shadow for this purpose is defined as an area falling below a line drawn from the top and both the extremities of the terrain of permanent nature, to the facility and extrapolation of the same plane behind from the said obstacle. 5. Conduct of Aeronautical Study and CNS Simulation Study 5.1 The Aeronautical Study, as referred to in the Civil Aviation Requirements Section-4, Series ‘B’, Part I on Aerodrome Design and Operations and ICAO Annex 14, may be conducted to determine that the existing object or the proposed new object would not adversely affect the safety or significantly affect the regularity of operations of aeroplanes in pursuance of the ICAO provisions as given below: ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 79 Note 1: New objects or extensions of existing objects should not be permitted above the conical surface and the inner horizontal surface except when, in the opinion of the appropriate authority, after aeronautical study it is determined that the object would not adversely affect the safety or significantly affect the regularity of operations of aeroplanes. Note 2: Existing objects above an approach surface, a transitional surface, the conical surface and inner horizontal surface should as far as practicable be removed except when, in the opinion of the appropriate authority, after aeronautical study it is determined that the object would not adversely affect the safety or significantly affect the regularity of operations of aeroplanes. 5.1.1 The request for aeronautical study shall be considered by the Member (Air Navigation Services), Airports Authority of India, on case to case basis. 5.1.2 Aeronautical Study shall not be carried out in Approach and Transition surfaces. 5.1.3 Aeronautical Study, as per the established guidelines, shall be carried out by AAI, ICAO or any other agency, approved for the purpose by Ministry of Civil Aviation. 5.1.4 Based on the Aeronautical Study report, including a revised height clearance if necessary, shall be communicated to the applicant by AAI. 5.1.5 Guidelines are available at NOCAS at 5.2 Communication Navigation Surveillance (CNS) Simulation study: In case any structure is required to be made within aerodrome premises (airside and city side) by the Aerodrome Operator which creates obstruction from CNS point of view, a simulation study could be carried out to study the impact of this structure on the performance of the relevant facility and in case the study confirms that the impact would not hamper the operability of the facility, such structure could be permitted within the aerodrome premises. 6. Procedure for determining the maximum permissible heights: The following steps shall be taken for calculating the maximum permissible heights for cases where there is a requirement of NOC from AAI or from Defence Authorities. 6.1 ICAO Annex 14 Obstacle Limitation Surfaces Criteria: 6.1.1 The site of the proposed buildings/installations shall be marked on the zoning map of the aerodrome, prepared by the aerodrome operator, where Annex 14 surfaces have been drawn or plotted on the map generated by NOCAS based on the site co-ordinate(s) in WGS 84 system. 6.1.2 If the site location is within the approach/take off surface, the permissible applicable heights in the approach/take off climb surface, transitional surface, Inner Horizontal Surface/conical surface shall be calculated. 6.1.3 If the site is located outside the approach/take off climb surface, the height shall be determined as per the location applicable to the relevant surface (Transitional, Inner Horizontal Surface, Conical or Outer Horizontal Surface). 6.2 ICAO Annex 10 Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) Criteria: 6.2.1 Determine the distance of the proposed site from the each communication, navigational and surveillance facility separately and calculate the applicable heights based on the provisions as contained in para 2 of Annexure II. 6.3 The permissible height from the above two criteria shall be the lowest as of 6.1 and 6.2 above. 6.4 Procedure for Air Navigation Service Operations (PAN-OPS) Criteria: 6.4.1 After having determined the combined applicable elevation, based on the OLS criteria and CNS criteria, it shall further be ensured that the PANS-OPS surfaces are not infringed and the minimum altitudes of the published/proposed segments of instrument approach procedures are fully protected. This has also been referred to at para 3 of this annexure. 6.4.2 The lowest elevation determined as above, based on the OLS, CNS and PANS-OPS criteria, shall be the permissible top elevation of the proposed structure for which No Objection Certificate may be issued by the designated officer of AAI or the Defence Authorities. 80 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] 6.5 No Objection Certificate Application System (NOCAS) for applying for height clearance w.r.t. Civil Airports: 6.5.1 AAI has introduced “No Objection Certificate Application System (NOCAS)” accessible at the AAI website for online submission of NOC application for height clearance. NOCAS carries out calculations w.r.t. OLS and CNS criteria based on site coordinates and elevation provided by the applicant. It is mandatory for the applicant to provide surveyed site coordinates in WGS 84 system and site elevation from a Govt. entity or a Govt. approved agency. The applicants are first required to register themselves online and only thereafter, they can submit their applications for NOC. On registering in NOCAS, a NOCAS ID is generated which can be used for future reference including status check of the application. Guidelines for online submission of NOC application for height clearance are available at NOCAS at 6.5.2 A table of permissible heights w.r.t. Annex 14 OLS criteria at different distances from the runway (Code 3 or 4 Instrument runway) at an airport are given at Appendix-L of Schedule VIII. 6.6 The permissible heights given therein are only indicative w.r.t. OLS criteria only; detailed calculations w.r.t. CNS and PANS-OPS criteria are needed to arrive at the actual height permissible, which may be lower than the indicated. 7 Definitions and Explanation— Description of Annex 14 Obstacle Limitation Surface for the purpose of the Schedule II shall be as given hereunder and the illustrations in respect thereof are given in Appendix –H, Appendix-I and Appendix-J of Schedule VIII. (a) Conical Surface – A surface sloping upwards and outwards from the periphery of the inner horizontal surface. The limits of the conical surface shall comprise: (i) a lower edge coincident with the periphery of the inner horizontal surface; and (ii) an upper edge located at a specified height above the inner horizontal surface. The slope of the conical shall be measured in a vertical plane perpendicular to the periphery of the inner horizontal surface. (b) Inner Horizontal Surface – A surface located in a horizontal plane above an aerodrome and its environs. The radius of outer limits of the inner horizontal surface shall be measured form a reference point or points established for such purpose. (c) Inner Approach Surface – A rectangular portion of the approach surface immediately preceding the threshold. The limits of the inner approach surface shall comprise: (i) an inner edge coincident with the location of the inner edge of the approach surface but of its own specified length; (ii) two sides originating at the ends of the inner edge and extending parallel to the vertical plane containing the centerline of the runway; and (iii) an outer edge parallel to the inner edge. (d) Inner Transitional Surface- A surface similar to the transitional surface but closer to the runway. The limits of an inner transitional surface shall comprise: (i) a lower edge beginning at the end of the inner approach surface and extending down the side of the inner approach surface to the inner edge of that surface, from there along the strip parallel to the runway centerline to the inner edge of the balked landing surface and from there up the side of the balked landing surface to the point where the side intersects the inner horizontal surface; and (ii) an upper edge located in the plane of the inner horizontal surface. (e) Balked Landing Surface – an inclined plane located at a specified distance after the threshold extending between the inner transitional surfaces. The limits of the balked landing surface shall comprise: ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 81 (i) an inner edge horizontal and perpendicular to the centre line of the runway and located at a specified distance after the threshold; (ii) two sides originating at the ends of the inner edge and diverging uniformly at a specified rate from the vertical plane containing the centre line of the runway; and (iii) an outer edge parallel to the inner edge and located in the plane of the inner horizontal surface. (f) Take-Off Climb Surface (Annex 14) – The surface shall be established for a runway meant for take-off. The limits of the take-off climb surface shall comprise: (i) an inner edge horizontal and perpendicular to the centre line of the runway and located either at a specified distance beyond the end of the runway or at the end of the clear way when such is provided and its length exceeds the specified distance; (ii) two sides originating at the ends of the inner edge of and diverging uniformity at a specified rate from the take-off to specified final width and continuing thereafter at that width for the remainder of the length of the take-off climb surface; and (iii) an outer edge horizontal and perpendicular to the specified take-off track. (g) Aerodrome Elevation- The elevation of the highest point of the landing area. (h) Aerodrome Reference Point – The designated geographical location of an Aerodrome. (i) Threshold – The beginning of that portion of the runway usable for landing. (j) Displaced Threshold – A threshold-not located at the extremity of a runway. (k) Frangible Object – An object of low mast designed to break, distort or yield on impact so as to present the minimum hazard to aircraft. (l) Obstacle – All fixed (whether temporary or permanent) and mobile objects, or parts thereof, that are located on an area intended for surface movement or aircraft or that extend above a defined surface (indicated in annexure IV) intended to protect aircraft in-flight. (m) Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ) –The airspace above the inner approach surface, inner transitional surfaces and balked landing surface and that portion of the strip bounded by these surfaces, which is not penetrated by any fixed obstacle other than low mast and frangible mounted one, required for air navigation purposes. (n) Runway – a defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and take off of the aircraft. (o) Runway End Safety Area (RESA) – An area symmetrical bout the extended runway centerline and adjacent to the end of the strip primarily intended to reduce the risk of damage to an aeroplane undershooting or overrunning the runway. (p) Runway Strip- A defined area including the runway and stop-way, if provided, intended:- (i) To reduce the risk of damage to aircraft running off a runway; and (ii) To protect aircraft flying over it during take off or landing operations. (q) Clearway – A defined rectangular area on the ground or water under the control of the appropriate authority selected or prepared as a suitable area over which an aeroplane may make a portion of its initial climb to specified height. (r) Stopway – A defined rectangular area on the ground at the end of take off run available prepared as suitable area in which an aircraft can be stopped in case of an abandoned take-off. (s) Take-off Runway – a runway intended for take-off only. (t) Obstacle Clarence Altitude/Height (OCA/H) – The lowest altitude or the lowest height above the elevation of the relevant runway threshold or the aerodrome elevation as applicable used in establishing compliance with appropriate clearance criteria. (u) Declared Distances:- (i) Take Off Run Available (TORA) – The length of the runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off. 82 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] (ii) Take Off Distance Available (TODA) – The length of take-off run available plus the length of clearway, if provided. (iii) Accelerate Stop Distance Available (ASDA) – The length of take-off run available plus the length of stopway, if provided. (iv) Landing Distance Available (LDA) – The length of the runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing. (v) Critical Area – Critical area is an area of defined dimensions about the localizer and glide path antenna where vehicles including aircrafts are excluded during Instrument Landing System (ILS) operations. The critical area is protected because the presence of vehicles and/or aircraft inside its boundary will cause unacceptable discrepancies to the Instrument Landing System (ILS) signal in space. ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 83 SCHEDULE III AERODROMES OPERATED BY AIRPORTS AUTHORITY INDIA AND JOINT VENTURE COMPANIES S. No. Airport State Coordinates Aerodrome Elevation in Meters Runway Dimension in Meters Operator (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1 AGARTALA TRIPURA 235326N 0911421E 14.63 18/36 2286X45 AAI 2 AGATTI LAKSHWADEEP ISLANDS (U.T.) 104926N 0721037E 4 04/22 1204 x 30 AAI 3 AHMEDABAD (SVBPI AIRPORT) GUJARAT 230416.28N 0723735.15E 57.44 05/23 3505 x 45 AAI 4 AIZAWL (TURIAL) MIZORAM 234443N 0924822E 334 01/19 1190×27 AAI 5 AKOLA MAHARASHTRA 204152N 0770332E 305 10/28 1219 x 45 AAI 6 AMRITSAR (RAJA SANSI) PUNJAB 314217N 0744807E 231 16/34 3658 x 45 AAI 7 ASANSOL WEST BENGAL 2340N 08701E 98 10/28 1826 x 45 AAI 8 AURANGABAD (CHIKAL THANA) MAHARASHTRA 195152N 0752351E 582 09/27 2835 x 45 AAI 9 BALURGHAT WEST BENGAL 251547N 0884754E 24 09/27 1097×30 AAI 10 BARAPANI SHILLONG MEGHALAYA 254212N 0915841E 887 04/22 2286 x 45 AAI 11 BEHALA WEST BENGAL 223022N 0881748E 3 18/36 861 x 30 AAI 12 BELGAUM (SAMBRA) KARNATAKA 155131N 0743704E 759 08/26 1830 x 45 AAI 13 BENGALURU INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (BIAL) DEVANHALLI KARNATAKA 131155.92N 0774219.70E 914.68 09/27 4000×45 BIAL 14 BHAVNAGAR GUJARAT 214515N 0721126E 13 07/25 1920 x 45 AAI 15 BHOPAL (RAJA BHOJ AIRPORT) MADHYA PRADESH 231713N 0772013E 521.82 12/30 2744 x 45 AAI 16 BHUBNESHWAR(BIJU PATNAIK AIRPORT ORISSA 201448N 0854907E 42.06 14/32 2743 x 45 AAI 17. BILASPUR CHATTISGARH 220000N 0820400E 274 06/24 17/35 1448 X 45 1455 X 45 AAI 18 CHAKULIA JHARKHAND 222736N 0864237E 129 17/35 2221X45 AAI 19 CHENNAI TAMIL NADU 125941.7N 0801031.8E 15.85 07/25 12/30 3658 X 45 2890 X 45 AAI 20 COCHIN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LTD (CIAL) KERALA 100914N 0762425E 9.14 09/27 3400 x 45 CIAL 21 COIMBATORE (PEELAMEDU) TAMIL NADU 110137N 0770230E 404 05/23 2990 x 45 AAI 22 COOCH BEHAR WEST BENGAL 261946.8N 089281.6E 42 04/22 1069 x 30 AAI 23 CUDDAPAH ANDRA PRADESH 1431N 07847E 131 11/29 1098 x 18 AAI 24 DEESA (PALANPUR) GUJARAT 241604N 0721218E 145 06/24 1008 x 30 AAI 25 DEHRADUN (JOLLYGRANT) UTTARAKHAND 301126N 0781056E 565 08/26 2140 x 45 AAI 26 DELHI IGI AIRPORT (PALAM) DELHI 283407.42N 0770643.69E 236.83 10/28 09/27 11/29 3810 x 45 2813 x 45 4430 x 60 AAI Leased to DIAL 27 DIBRUGARH (MOHANBARI) ASSAM 272852N 0950105E 110 05/23 2310 x 45 AAI 84 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] S. No. Airport State Coordinates Aerodrome Elevation in Meters Runway Dimension in Meters Operator (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 28 DIMAPUR NAGALAND 255300N 0934616E 148.43 12/30 2290 x 45 AAI 29 DONAKONDA ANDHRA PRADESH 1550N 7930E 142 04/23 915X30 AAI 30 GONDIA MAHARASHTRA 2131N 08020E 311.16 05/23 2290 x 45 AAI 31 GUWAHATI (LGBI AIRPORT) ASSAM 260618N 0913508E 49.38 02/20 3103 x 45 AAI 32 GAYA BIHAR 244453N 0845633E 115.82 10/28 2286 x 45 AAI 33 HUBLI KARNATAKA 152147N 0750508E 661.72 08/26 1674 x 30 AAI 34 HYDERABAD (BEGUMPET) ANDRA PRADESH 172709N 0782750E 531 09/27 3103 x 45 AAI 35 HYDERABAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT(HIAL) SHAMSABAD ANDHRA PRADESH 171426N 0782544E 617 09/27 4260×60 JV Airport operated by HIAL 36 IMPHAL (TULIHAL) MANIPUR 244551N 0935358E 774.2 04/22 2746 x 45 AAI 37 INDORE DEVI AHILYABAI HOLKAR AIRPORT MADHYA PRADESH 224324N 0754820E 563.88 07/25 2750 x 45 AAI 38 JABALPUR MADHYA PRADESH 231100N 0800337E 495 06/24 1988 x 45 AAI 39 JALGAON MAHARASHTRA 205741.74N 0753728.43E 256 09/27 1700 x 45 AAI 40 JAIPUR (SANGANER) RAJASTHAN 264927N 0754809E 385 09/27 3500 x 45 AAI 41 JHANSI UTTAR PRADESH 2529N 07834E 244 15/33 1295 x 45 AAI (Under Army) 42 JHARSUGUDA ORISSA 215451N 0840303E 228 06/24 1882×45 AAI 43 JOGBANI BIHAR 2618N 8718E 59 09/27 1525X152 AAI 44 JUHU (MUMBAI)* MAHARASHTRA 190548N 0725004E 2.74 08/26 16/34 1133 x 30 732×20 AAI 45 KAILASHAHAR TRIPURA 241828N 920033E 24 03/21 900X30 AAI 46 KAMALPUR TRIPURA 240754N 0914851E 39 01/19 1372 x 30 AAI 47 KESHOD GUJARAT 211852N 701610E 51 05/23 1372 x 45 AAI 48 KANDLA GUJARAT 230642N 0700605E 29 05/23 1524 x 30 AAI 49 KHANDWA MADHYA PRADESH 21 51N 76 20E 329 10/28 975X46 AAI 50 KHOWAI TRIPURA 240342N 913627E 29 18/36 915X30 AAI 51 GAGGAL (KANGRA) HIMACHAL PRADESH 320955N 0761543E 759.6 15/33 1372 x 30 AAI 52 KANPUR (CIVIL) UTTAR PRADESH 262625N 0802153E 125 10/28 1082 x 45 AAI 53 KHAJURAHO MADHYA PRADESH 244912N 0795506E 217.4 01/19 2286 x 45 AAI 54 KISHANGARH RAJASTHAN 2636N 07449E 440 05/23 1700 x45 AAI *Proposed construction in the approach path of runway 26 at Juhu shall be governed by the recommendation of the report of the Joglekar Committee. *Sites lying in IHS of Juhu may be considered upto IHS of Santa Cruz in accordance with report of the study of Juhu IHS. ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 85 S. No. Airport State Coordinates Aerodrome Elevation in Meters Runway Dimension in Meters Operator (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 55 KOTA RAJASTHAN 250935N 0755056E 273 08/26 1243 x 38 AAI 56 KOZHIKODE (CALICUT) KERELA 110816N 0755702E 98.76 10/28 2860 X 45 AAI 57 KOLHAPUR MAHARASHTRA 163955N 0741729E 606.5 07/25 1370 x 45 AAI 58 KOLKATA (NSCBI AIRPORT) WEST BENGAL 2239114N 0882648E 7 01R/19L 01L/19R 3627 x 45 3270 x 45 AAI 59 KULLU-MANALI (BHUNTAR) HIMACHAL PRADESH 315237N 0770919E 1088.8 16/34 1052 x 30 AAI 60 LALITPUR UTTAR PRADESH 244258N 0782503E 367 10/28 1890 x 45 AAI 61 NORTH LAKHIMPUR (LILABARI) ASSAM 271726N 0940549E 100 04/22 2286 x 45 AAI 62 LUCKNOW (AMOUSI) UTTAR PRADESH 264543N 0805300E 123.14 09/27 2742 x 45 AAI 63 LUDHIANA PUNJAB 305120N 0755706E 254 12/30 1463 x 30 AAI 64 MADURAI TAMIL NADU 095007N 0780518E 140 09/27 2285 x 45 AAI 65 MALDA WEST BENGAL 250040N 880750E 24 11/29 1099X30 AAI 66 MANGALORE (BAJPE) KARNATAKA 125743N 0745323E 102.6 06/24 2450 x 45 AAI 67 MUMBAI (CSI AIRPORT) MAHARASHTRA 190530N 0725158E 11.9 09/27 14/32 3448 x 60 2871 x 45 AAI Airport Leased to MIAL 68 MUZZAFARPUR BIHAR 260701N 0851854E 53 11/29 1219 x 30 AAI 69 MYSORE KARNATAKA 121345N 0763930E 716 05/23 09/27 1350 x 30 1740×30 AAI 70 NADIRGUL ANDRA PRADESH 171617.8N 0783236.2E 552 14/32 914 x 23 AAI 71 NAGPUR (SONEGAON) (MIHAN) MAHARASHTRA 210531N 0790254E 314.85 14/32 3200 x 45 AAI airport operated by MIPL 72 PANNA MADHYA PRADESH 243915N 801540E 424 17/35 1538X18 AAI 73 PANTNAGAR UTTARAKHAND 290156N 0792821E 233 10/28 1372 x 30 AAI 74 PASSIGHAT ARUNACHAL PRADESH 2806N 9523E 157 17/35 1006X18 AAI 75 PATNA BIHAR 253537N 0850531E 51.18 07/25 2072 x 45 AAI 76 PONDICHERRY PONDICHERRY 115759N 0794843E 43 07/25 1502 x 30 AAI 77 PORBANDAR GUJARAT 213901N 0693931E 7 09/27 1372 x 45 AAI 78 RAIPUR (MANA) CHATTISGARH 211052N 0814419E 317.30 06/24 2286 x 45 AAI 79 RAJAHMUNDARY ANDHRA PRADESH 170631N 0814918E 45 05/23 1750 x 45 AAI 80 RAJKOT GUJARAT 221834N 0704646E 134.4 05/23 1846 x 45 AAI 81 RANCHI (BIRSA MUNDA AIRPORT) JHARKHAND 231851N 0851916E 654.71 13/31 2713×45 AAI 82 RAXAUL BIHAR 26 59 48N 84 49 14E 79 10/28 1097X30 AAI 86 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] S. No. Airport State Coordinates Aerodrome Elevation in Meters Runway Dimension in Meters Operator (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 83 RUPSI ASSAM 2608N 8945E 40 05/23 1829X45 AAI 84 SAFDARJUNG AIRPORT DELHI 283500N 0771229E 212 12/30 1180 x 45 AAI 85 SALEM TAMIL NADU 114647N 0780355E 300 04/22 1829 x 45 AAI 86 SATNA MADHYA PRADESH 2434N 08051E 315 11/29 1829X30 AAI 87 SHIMLA (JUBBARHATTI) HIMACHAL PRADESH 310454N 0770407E 1540 14/32 1189 x 23 AAI 88 SHOLAPUR MAHARASHTRA 173735N 0755606E 481 15/33 1365 x 45 AAI 89 SURAT GUJARAT 210647N 0724435E 6 04/22 2250 x 45 AAI 90 TIRUPATHI ANDHRA PRADESH 133759N 0793231E 106.75 08/26 2286 x 45 AAI 91 TIRUCHIRAPALLI (TRICHY) TAMIL NADU 104556N 0784254E 87.78 09/27 2427 x 45 AAI 92 THIRUVANANTHAPURAM KERALA 082847N 0765511E 4 14/32 3398 x 45 AAI 93 TEZU ARUNCHAL PRADESH 27 54N, 96 04E 220 04/22 1372 x 30 AAI 94 TUTICORIN TAMIL NADU 084317N 780141E 26 10/28 1350 × 30 AAI 95 UDAIPUR (MAHARANA PRATAP AIRPORT) RAJASTHAN 243703N 0735340E 513.28 08/26 2281 x 45 AAI 96 VADODARA GUJARAT 221948N 0731308E 39.32 04/22 2469 x 45 AAI 97 VARANASI (BABATPUR) U.P. 252705N 0825131E 81 09/27 2745 x 45 AAI 98 VELLORE TAMIL NADU 125424N 0790406E 233 07/25 793 x 150 AAI 99 VIJAYAWADA ANDHRA PRADESH 163102N 0804812E 25 08/26 2286 x 45 AAI 100 WARANGAL ANDHRA PRADESH 175452N 0793608E 284 09/27 1859 x 45 AAI SCHEDULE IV, PART-1 AERODROMES OPERATED BY THE STATE GOVERNMENTS & PRIVATE OWNERS (CONTROLLED OR PUBLIC USE AERODROMES) S. No. Airport State Coordinates Aerodrome Elevation in Meters Runway Dimension in Meters Owner/ Operator (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1 AIZAWL (LENGPUI) MIZORAM 235016.88N 0923736.38E 418 17/35 2500×45 SG 2 DIU UNION TERRITORY 204247N 0705514E 4.9 05/23 13/31 1845x 45 1069×25 U.T. 3 DURGAPUR WEST BENGAL 233727.7N 0871432.5E 85 16/34 3315×45 BAPL ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 87 S. No. Airport State Coordinates Aerodrome Elevation in Meters Runway Dimension in Meters Owner/ Operator (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 4 PUTTAPARTHY ANDHRA PRADESH 140853N 0774726E 478.23 09/27 2224×45 PVT 5 VIJAYNAGAR KARNATAKA 151019N 0763837E 502 13/31 1600 x 30 PVT 6 MUNDRA GUJARAT 225003N 0694552E 5.18 05/23 1700X30 PVT 7 JAMSHEDPUR JHARKHAND 22 48 46.71N 86 10 10.76E 141.7 08/26 1220X45 PVT 8 BARAMATI MAHARASHTRA 181335.84N 743522.91E 605 11/29 1172X30 PVT 9 BEAS PUNJAB 313332N 0752000E 233 16/34 2552X45 PVT 10 LATUR MAHARASHTRA 182437.9N 0762752.9E 651 05/23 1700X30 PVT 11 NANDED MAHARASHTRA 191051.73N 0771921.17E 379 10/28 2300X45 PVT 12 OSMANABAD MAHARASHTRA 181643.55N 0760317.16E 689 04/22 1190X30 PVT 13 YAVATMAL MAHARASHTRA 202344.27N 0781226.32E 429 08/26 1218X30 PVT SCHEDULE IV, PART-2 AERODROMES OPERATED BY THE STATE GOVERNMENTS & PRIVATE OWNERS (UNCONTROLLED OR PRIVATE USE AERODROMES) S. No. Airport State Coordinates Aerodrome Elevation In Meters Runway Dimension In Meters Owner/ Operator (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1. ABU ROAD RAJASTHAN 242940N 0724652E 255 09/27 1219 X 23 S.G. 2 AKBARPUR U.P. 2627N 08234E 101 11/29 1829 X 45 S.G. 3 ALIGARH U.P. 275140N 0780847E NA 11/29 1097 X 23 S.G. 4 AMBARI WEST BENGAL 26 34 30N 88 32 30E 107 18/36 1219 X 24 PVT. 5 AMBIKAPUR (DARIMA) CHATTISGARH 2259N 08312E 579 16/34 1372 X 15 S.G. 6 AMLA M.P. 2156N 78078E 746 08/26 1067 X 30 S.G. 7 AMRAVATI MAHARASHTRA 20 48 48N 0774303E 341 08/26 1372 X 30 S.G. 8 AMRELI GUJARAT 2137N 07113E 137 13/31 914 X 45 S.G. 9 BALDOTA KOPPAL KARNATAKA 152137N 0761253E 522 10/28 1600×45 PVT. 10 BANASTHALI RAJASTHAN 26 24 26N 0755209E 308 09/27 1357 X 60 PVT. 11 BANGALORE (IIS) KARNATAKA 13 01 25N 77 34 13E 933 09/27 655 X 30 PVT. 12 BANSWARA (TILWARA) RAJASTHAN 23 35 22N 0741841E 180 10/28 1250 X 15 S.G. 13 BASANT NAGAR ANDHRA PRADESH 1842N 07924E 204 09/27 1529 X 45 PVT. 14 BETUL M.P. 2152N 7758E 549 08/26 914 X 45 S.G. 15 BHAGALPUR BIHAR 2515N 08701E 45 09/27 1067 X 30 S.G 88 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] 16 BHILAI (NANDANI) CHATTISGARH 2118N 08123E 302 05/23 1524 X 30 PVT. 17 BHIWANI HARYANA 2850N 07611E 217 12/30 1088 X 23 S.G. 18 B.H.U. FLYING CLUB U.P. 251513.5N 82 5926.3E 83M 08/26 695 X 45 BHU 19 BIRLAGRAM (NAGDA) M.P. 2327N 07525E 469 05/23 1463 X 30 PVT. 20 BIRPUR BIHAR 263034N 0870104E 74 09/27 1097 X 90 S.G. 21 BIRWA M.P 22 05N 80 35E 552 14/32 1400X24 S.G 22 BOKARO JHARKHAND 233827N 0860853N 216 13/31 1400 X 45 PVT. 23 BORENGAJUL I ASSAM 2645N 09149E 122 02/20 1020 X 90 PVT. 24 BURHAR (SHAHDOL) M.P. 231400N 813000E 480 14/32 1224 X 15 PVT. 25 BURNPUR WEST BENGAL 233751N 0865830N 94 E/W 914 X 90 PVT. 26 BEGUSARAI BIHAR 2525N 08605E 41 09/27 762 X 90 S.G. 27 BERHAMPUR (KORAPALLI) ORRISA 191753N 845237E 37 18/36 750X15 S.G. 28 CHANDRAPU R MAHARASHTRA 19 59 42N 079 13 18E 244 08/26 1000 X 30 S.G. 29 CHHINDWAR A M.P. 2200N 07855E 665 11/29 1486 X 30 S.G. 30 CHILLARI KERALA 1107N 07553E 770 10/28 1045 X 15 PVT. 31 CHINYALI SAUR UTTARAKHAND 30 34 59.90N 078 19 22.47E 854 16/34 1000 X 23 S.G. 32 CUTTACK (CHARBATIA) ORISSA 2033N 08554E 41 04/22 03/31 2286 X 45 1465 X 45 ARC 33 CHETINAD TAMIL NADU 1010N 07848E 107 06/24 14/32 1829 X 45 1463 X 45 S.G. 34 CHHAPRA BIHAR 2547N 08446E 53 L/A 914 X 45 S.G. 35 DALTONGANJ JHARKHAND 24 01 13N 084 05 46E 335 09/27 914 X 45 S.G. 36 DAMOH M.P. 2402N 07925E 348 06/24 1524 X 76 PVT. 37 DEOGHAR JHARKHAND 24 26 47N 086 42 26E 110 L/A 731 X 45 SG 38 DHANBAD JHARKHAND 2350N 08626E 260 09/27 1128 X 23 SG 39 DHANA M.P. 234507.3N 785142.3E 529 18/36 823 X 41 S.G. 40 DHULIA MAHARASHTRA 2055N 07444E 289 05/23 09/27 1828 X 45 1372 X 30 S.G. 41 DUMKA JHARKHAND 24 13 52N 87 16 12E 137 09/27 640 X 90 S.G. 42 DURGAPUR STEEL PLANT WEST BENGAL 23 34 58N 87 20 25E 88M 12/30 1200×23 NA 43 ETAWAH (SAIFAI) U.P. 2636 01N 79 03 35E NA 15/33 1704 X 23 S.G. 44 FAIZABAD U.P. 26 45 00N 082 09 17E 314 11/29 05/23 1815 X 45 1429 X 45 S.G. ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 89 45 FURSATGAN J U.P. 2615N 08123E 108 09/27 1722 X 45 IGRUA 46 GAUCHER UTTARAKHAND 301729N 790850E 740 12/30 1200 X 23 S.G. 47 GHAZIPUR U.P. 2537N 08334E 68.5 07/25 1807 X 45 S.G. 48 GUNA M.P. 2439N 07721E 495 14/32 914 X 23 S.G. 49 HAMIRGARH RAJASTHAN 2508N 07437E 419 18/36 1274 X 30 S.G. 50 HADAPSAR (GLIDEROME) MAHARASHTRA 18 29 32N 073 56 26E 579 E/W 1052 X 121 SG 51 HOSUR KARNATAKA 12 39 44N 77 46 12E 930 09/27 1219×30 PVT. 52 HIRAKUND ORISSA 2135N 08400E 208 15/33 1097 X 45 S.G. 53 HISAR HARYANA 2911N 07546E 214 12/30 1219 X 45 S.G. 54 JAGDALPUR CHHATTISGARH 1904N 08202E 547 06/24 1125 X 30 S.G. 55 JAKKUR KARNATAKA 130432N 0773546E 919 08/26 854 X 21 S.G. 56 JASHPURNA GAR CHHATTISGARH 225558N 0841341E 457 09/27 1067 X 23 S.G. 57 JAYPORE ORISSA 1853N 08233E 595 16/34 916 X 30 S.G. 58 JHABUA (RANPET) M.P. 22 46N 74 33E 435 09/27 792 X 30 S.G. 59 JHINGURA U.P. 2508N 08239E 91 09/27 1220 X 45 S.G. 60 JHUNJHUNU RAJASTHAN 280620N 752240E 335 10/28 1014 X 15 S.G. 61 KANPUR (KALYANPUR) U.P. 263113N 801357E 131 09/27 884 X 23 PVT. 62 KANKROLI Rajasthan 250114N 735359E 532.46 12/30 1100 X 23 PVT. 63 KARAD MAHARASHTRA 1717N 07409E 576 09/27 1280 X 30 S.G. 64 KARGIL J & K 343133N 0760924E 2920 02/20 1829 X 30 SG 65 KARNAL HARYANA 2942N 07702E 246 13/31 1170 X 30 S.G. 66 KASIA (KUSHINAGA R) U.P. 264612N 835429E 76 11/29 1722 X 23 S.G. 67 KAYATTAR TAMIL NADU 08 58 12.85N 77 49 12.57E 91 09/27 06/24 1463 X 45 1829 X 30 S.G. 68 KOLAPNI ASSAM 26 48 07N 93 12 45E 90 04/22 914 X 90 PVT. 69 KHARGONE M.P 2148N 07533E 276 09/27 1000 X 24 S.G. 70 KISHANGANJ BIHAR 260433N 875623E 148 09/27 1006 X 90 S.G. 71 LONAVALA (AMBY VALLEY) MAHARASHTRA 183634N 732242E 689 14/32 1199 X 30 PVT. 72 LALGARH RAJASTHAN 295100N 740100E 176 L/A 1005 X 174 S.G. 73 MANDLA M.P 22 30N 80 20E 489 09/27 1800X36 S.G 74 MADHAIGANJ WEST BENGAL 23 38 30N 87 20 37E NA 15/33 05/23 1800X50 1400X50 NA 75 MANDVI GUJARAT 22 50 22N 69 18 17E 5 08/26 1400X30 S.G. 90 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] 76 MACKEBPUR ASSAM 2651N 09446E 67 14/32 1005 X 91 PVT. 77 MEERUT U.P. 2854N 07741E NA 11/29 1829 X 23 S.G. 78 MITHAPUR (DWARKA) GUJARAT 222440N 685934E 3.6 07/25 1372 X 45 914 X 45 PVT. 79 MUIRPUR (KORBA) U.P. 240729N 830217E 405 09/27 823 X 60 PVT. 80 MADHUBANI BIHAR 261945N 860338E 47 18/36 914 X 45 S.G. 81 MANTALAI J & K 33 00 13N 75 21 21E 3389 15/33 488 X 30 PVT. 82 MATHANIA RAJASTHAN 26 26N 073 06E 251 05/23 1737 X 45 S.G. 83 MEHSANA GUJARAT 233612N 0722230E 85 05/23 914 X 45 S.G. 84 MUNGER BIHAR 25 20 47N 86 28 59E 41 L/A 732 X 91 S.G. 85 NAGAUR RAJASTHAN 2712N 07343E 281 05/23 1170 X 30 S.G. 86 NAGDA (BIRLAGRAM) M.P. 2327N 7524E 366 13/31 1463 X 30 PVT. 87 NAINI/SAINI PITHORAGAR H UTTARAKHAND 293539N 801425E 1463 14/32 1330 X 20 S.G. 88 NARNAUL HARYANA 2805N 07612E 295 09/27 914 X 23 S.G. 89 NEEMUCH M.P. 2425N 07452E 497 14/32 1700 X 30 CRPF 90 NEW LANDS WEST BENGAL 2639N 08948E 122 11/29 1076 X 90 PVT. 91 NEYVELI TAMIL NADU 1137N 07932E 53 05/23 914 X 30 PVT. 92 NAGARJUNA SAGAR ANDHRA PRADESH 1632N 07919E 259 NA 1654 X 30 S.G. 93 NARIA SEE SAHARSA BIHAR 25 53 32N 86 35 00E 40 L/A 457 X 91 S.G. 94 NAWAPARA ORISSA 2052N 08230E 322 05/23 1002 X 18 S.G. 95 ONDAL AIRPORT WEST BENGAL 23 37 19N 83 14 35E 82 14/32 04/22 1829 X 45 1463 X 45 S.G. 96 PACHMARHI M.P. 2227N 07824E 1085 04/22 1200 X 61 S.G. 97 PANNERI ASSAM 2643N 09154E 91 18/36 1060 X 90 PVT. 98 PATIALA PUNJAB 3019N 07622E 250 15/33 1097 X 45 S.G. 99 PILANI RAJASTHAN 282100N 753500E 335 05/23 914 X 45 PVT. 100 PINJORE HARYANA 304926N 765258E 500 16/34 914 X 45 S.G. 101 PIRTHIGANJ U.P. 2552N 08201E 94 12/30 1829 X 45 S.G. 102 PITHORAGAR H UTTARAKHAND 2940N 08013E 1463 14/32 1300 X 23 S.G. 103 PADAMPUR ORISSA 2102N 08303E 198 18/36 914 X 54 S.G. 104 RAIGARH (JINDAL AIRSTRIP) CHATTISGARH 215613N 832044E 242 10/28 2000X30 PVT. 105 RAIPUR (BAIKUNTH) CHATTISGARH 21 29 54N 81 47 37E 307 06/24 1353 X 24 PVT. ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 91 SCHEDULE -V DEFENCE AERODROME S. No. Airport State Coordinates Aerodrome Elevation In Meters Runway Dimension In Meters Owner/ Operator (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1 ADAMPUR PUNJAB 312616N 754526E 247 13/31 2746X45 IAF 2 AGRA UTTAR PRADESH 270932N 775730E 167.7 05/23 2744X45 IAF 106 RAJHARA (DHALLI) CHATTISGARH 20 31 40N 81 04 57E 361 05/23 914 X 45 PVT. 107 REWA M.P. 2430N 08113E 305 06/24 1200 X 30 S.G. 108 ROURKELA ORISSA 2216N 08449E 210 09/27 1615 X 30 PVT. 109 RATLAM M.P. 2322N 7501E 517 08/26 1200 X 23 S.G. 110 SAGAR M.P 23 45N 78 51E 574 18/36 995X23 S.G 111 SEDAM KARNATAKA 171000N 771800E 427 05/23 488 X 30 PVT. 112 SEONI M.P 21 56N 79 30E 633 10/28 1800X30 S.G 113 SHAHDOL M.P. 2314N 08130E 480 14/32 1224 X 15 S.G. 114 SHIVPURI (BURHAR) M.P. 2524N 07740E 396 09/27 913 X 23 BSF 115 SHRAVASTI U.P. 27 30N 82 02E NA 12/30 1829 X 23 S.G. 116 SIDHI M.P. 2424N 08149E 366 06/24 1006 X 15 S.G. 117 SIROHI RAJASTHAN 24 53 32N 72 51 0.9E 297.5 13/31 1830 X 18 S.G. 118 SITAMAU M.P. 24 01 10N 75 20 17E 479 L/A 823 X 45 S.G. 119 SULTANPUR (AMHAI) U.P. 2615N 08202E 91 11/29 1829 X 45 S.G. 120 SAHARSA BIHAR 255334N 863510E 45 09/27 914 X 45 S.G. 121 SAWAI MADHOPUR RAJASTHAN 260200N 762100E 266 18/36 914 X 45 S.G. 122 TEKANPUR M.P. 2600N 07816E 213 08/26 1311 X 46 BSF 123 TURA MEGHALAYA 253942N 902041E 534 16/34 1005 X 30 SG 124 TUSHRA ORISSA 203043N 832653E 168 06/24 1214 X 45 S.G. 125 UJJAIN M.P. 2306N 07553E 543 06/24 1219 X 22 S.G. 126 UMARIA M.P 23 32N 80 48E 451 17/35 1500X25 S.G 127 UTKELA ORISSA 2006N 08311E 229 04/22 914 X 45 S.G. 128 UTTARKASHI UTTARAKHAND 7819N 08035 853 16/34 NA S.G. 129 YINGHIONG Arunachal Pradesh 28 38 20N 95 01 10E 500 NA 975 X 18 S.G. 130 ZIRO Arunachal Pradesh 27 35 17N 93 49 42E 1524 18/36 1219 X 30 SG 92 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] S. No. Airport State Coordinates Aerodrome Elevation In Meters Runway Dimension In Meters Owner/ Operator (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 3 ALLAHABAD UTTAR PRADESH 252626N 814409E 97.2 12/30 2477X45 IAF 4 AMBALA HARYANA 302219N 764850E 275 12/30 2815.7X46 IAF 5 ARRAKONAM TAMIL NADU 130358.73N 794059.98E 85 06/24 4095X46 INDIAN NAVY 6 AWANTIPUR JAMMU & KASHMIR 335239N 745836E 1647 12/30 3200X45 IAF 7 BAGDOGRA (SILIGURI) WEST BENGAL 264108N 0881948E 126 18/36 2744 x 45 IAF 8 BAKSHI-KATALAB UTTAR PRADESH 265914N 805336E 124 09/27 2743X46 IAF 9 BAREILLY UTTAR PRADESH 282519N 792705E 173 11/29 2743X46 IAF 10 BAREILLY UTTAR PRADESH 282000N 792705E 168 12/30 900X45 ARMY 11 BARRACKPORE WEST BENGAL 224656N 882146E 06 02/20 1866X45 IAF 12 BENGALURU (HAL) KARNATAKA 125703N 0773957E 888 09/27 3306 x 45 HAL 13 BHATINDA PUNJAB 301611N 744523E 203 13/31 2805X46 IAF 14 BHATINDA PUNJAB 301358.1N 750255.8E —- 09/27 13/31 650X15 1200X50 ARMY 15 BHUJ (RUDRAMATA) GUJARAT 231713N 0694015E 78 05/23 2515 x 45 IAF 16 BIDAR KARNATAKA 175429N 772900E 664 08/26 2700X45 IAF 17 BIHTA BIHAR 253524N 845306E 54 10/28 2210X46 IAF 18 BIKRAM PARK JAMMU & KASHMIR 325400 750600E 621 03/21 1148X85 ARMY 19 CAMPBELL BAY ANDAMAN& NICOBAR ISLANDS 070046.75N 0935524.50E 1 05/23 1050X30 INDIAN NAVY 20 CAR NICOBAR ANDAMAN ISLAND 090915N 924913E 10.8 02/20 2713X46 IAF 21 CHABUA ASSAM 272742N 950714E 110 05/23 2746X46 IAF 22 CHANDIGARH UNION TERRITORY 3040N 07647E 314 11/29 2744 x 45 IAF 23 CHARBATIA ORRISA 2033N 08554E 41 04/22 03/31 2286X45 1465X45 ARC 24 DAMAN UNION TERRITORY 202559.18N 0725035.22E 12.8 03/21 10/28 1801×45 1001×25 I.C.G 25 DARBHANGA BIHAR 261137N 855503E 47 10/28 2743X46 IAF 26 DINJAN ASSAM 273243.1N 941419.7E 120 07/25 575X35 ARMY 27 DUNDIGAL ANDHRA PRADESH 173740N 782411E 613 10/28 2513X46 IAF 28 GOA (DABOLIM) GOA 152247.41N 0734940.05E 46 08/26 3430 x 45 NAVY 29 GORAKHPUR UTTAR PRADESH 264429N 0832709E 78 11/29 2744 x 45 IAF 30 GWALIOR MADHYA PRADESH 261730N 0781341E 188 06/24 2744 x 45 IAF 31 HAKIMPET ANDHRA PRADESH 173308N 783133E 613 09/27 2110X46 IAF ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 93 S. No. Airport State Coordinates Aerodrome Elevation In Meters Runway Dimension In Meters Owner/ Operator (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 32 HALWARA PUNJAB 304457N 753751E 239 13/31 2743X46 IAF 33 HALDWANI UTTRAKHAND 291452N 793239E 478 01/19 150X50 ARMY 34 HASIMARA WEST BENGAL 264150N 892217E 109 11/29 2744X46 IAF 35 HINDON UTTAR PRADESH 284223N 772138E 214 09/27 2743X46 IAF 36 JAISALMER RAJASTHAN 265323N 0705200E 236 04/22 2744 x 45 IAF 37 JALANDHAR PUNJAB 311750N 753651E 234 14/32 600X45 ARMY 38 JAMMU JAMMU & KASHMIR 324119N 745017E 291 18/36 2042 x 45 IAF/CE 39 JAMNAGAR GUJARAT 222800N 700100E 15 06/24 2514X46 IAF 40 JHANSI UP 252935.4N 783366.9E — 15/33 1070X20 ARMY 41 JODHPUR RAJASTHAN 261508N 730300E 217 05/23 2743 x 45 IAF 42 JORHAT ASSAM 2644N 09411E 91 04/22 2652 x 45 IAF 43 KALAIKUNDA WEST BENGAL 222012N 871307E 61 17/35 2742X46 IAF 44 KANPUR (CHAKERI) UTTAR PRADESH 2624N 08025E 124 09/27 2744 x 45 IAF 45 KHALSI JAMMU & KASHMIR 341900N 765400E 3005 29/11 245.2X27.8 ARMY 46 KOCHI KERALA 095638.25N 0761623.89E 2 17/35 13/31 1830X46 1416X46 INDIAN NAVY 47 LEH JAMMU & KASHMIR 3408N 07733E 3256 07/25 2922 x 45 IAF 48 LEH JAMMU & KASHMIR 3407N 07733E 3256 06/24 400X26 ARMY 49 LEIMAKHONG MANIPUR 245672N 935113E 841.55 01/19 350X50 ARMY 50 MAMUN CANTT PUNJAB 321700N 754300E 397 18/36 3234X83 ARMY 51 MANASBAL JAMMU & KASHMIR 341456N 743855E 1594 17/35 1100X50 ARMY 52 MISSAMARI ASSAM 264901N 923551.5E 95 05/23 1521X45.72 ARMY 53 NAGROTA JAMMU & KASHMIR 324700N 745400E 347 02/20 132X15 ARMY 54 NAGTALAO RAJASTHAN 2625N 7307E 240 02/20 1400 ARMY 55 NAL(BIKANER) RAJASTHAN 280418N 731225E 215 05/23 2746X45 IAF 56 NALIYA GUJARAT 231321N 685329E 42 06/24 2743X46 IAF 57 NASIK MAHARASHTRA 195744.32N 734831.74E 599 09/27 1373X46 ARMY 58 NDA MAHARASHTRA 182822N 734646E 610 09/27 900X15 NDA 59 OZAR (NASIK) MAHARASHTRA 2007N 07355E 598 09/27 3000 x 45 HAL 60 PARTAPUR JAMMU & KASHMIR 3456N 7726E 3081 13/31 75X25 ARMY 61 PATHANKOT PUNJAB 321402N 0753802E 312 01/19 2744 x 45 IAF 94 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] S. No. Airport State Coordinates Aerodrome Elevation In Meters Runway Dimension In Meters Owner/ Operator (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 62 PANAGARH WEST BENGAL 232824N 87 25 46E 73 15/33 2544X46 IAF 63 PHALODI RAJASTHAN 270618N 721257E 244 05/23 3050 IAF 64 PATIALA PUNJAB 301855N 762154E 250 15/33 1170 ARMY 65 PORT BLAIR (VEER SAVARKAR AIRPORT) ANDAMAN ISLAND 113854N 924406E 5 04/22 3414 x 45 INDIAN NAVY 66 PUNE (LOHEGAON) MAHARASHTRA 183458N 0735513E 592 10/28 2535 x 45 IAF 67 PURNEA BIHAR 254543N 872442E 37 09/27 2743X46 IAF 68 RAMNAD TAMIL NADU 091910.30N 0785823.40E 4 01/19 3017X30 INDIAN NAVY 69 RANCHI JHARKHAND 231851.3N 851915.8E – 14/32 263X63 ARMY 70 RANGAPAHAR NAGALAND 255118N 934220E 182 06/24 238X25 ARMY 71 RATNAGIRI MAHARASHTRA 170048N 0731944E 92.8 05/23 1800X45 I.C.G 72 SARSAWA (SAHARANPUR) UTTAR PRADESH 295942N 772532E 271 09/27 2744X46 IAF 73 SEVOKE ROAD WEST BENGAL 264700N 882700E 144 16/34 883X45 ARMY 74 SHIBPUR ANDAMAN& NICOBAR ISLANDS 131408.70N 0930259.00E 3 18/36 1000X30 INDIAN NAVY 75 SHARIFABAD JAMMU & KASHMIR 340500N 744300E 1583 09/27 430 ARMY 76 SILCHAR (KHUMBIGRAM) ASSAM 245448N 0925851E 103 06/24 1785 x 45 IAF 77 SIRSA HARYANA 293335N 750027E 199 05/23 2743X46 IAF 78 SRINAGAR JAMMU & KASHMIR 3359N 07447E 1656.5 13/31 3658 x 45 IAF 79 SULUR TAMILNADU 110047N 770945E 381 05/23 2520X46 IAF 80 SURATGARH RAJASTHAN 292317N 735415E 173 05/23 2743X46 IAF 81 TAMBARAM TAMIL NADU 125419N 800719E 27 05/23 12/30 1514X46 1815X46 IAF 82 TEZPUR ASSAM 2643N 09247E 70 05/23 2744 x 45 IAF 83 THANJAVUR TAMIL NADU 104311N 790610E 76 07/25 14/32 1833X45 1465 IAF 84 THOISE JAMMU & KASHMIR 343914N 772237E 3065 11/29 3050X46 IAF 85 UDHAMPUR JAMMU & KASHMIR 325411N 750920E 634 18/36 2754X46 IAF 86 UTTARLAI RAJASTHAN 254841N 712859E 154 02/20 2743X46 IAF 87 YELAHANKA KARNATAKA 130806N 773636E 928.6 09/27 2440X45 IAF 88 VISHAKAPATNAM ANDHRA PRADESH 174316N 0831329E 3 05/23 10/28 1829 x 45 3048 x 45 NAVY ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 95 SCHEDULE VI COMMUNICATION, NAVIGATION AND SURVEILLANCE (CNS) FACILITIES LOCATED AWAY FROM THE AIRPORTS Sl. No. Station Name of the facility Coordinates in WGS 84 Facility Reduced Level ( Meter) Airport responsible to Safeguard the facility North East 1. Aligarh CVOR/DME(HP) 27°49’ 45.5” 78 0 10’ 42” 205.00 Delhi IGI 2. Behrampur MSSR 190 20’ 3.4” 840 52’ 0.2” 37.795 Bhubaneshwar 3. Bellary MSSR 150 09’ 59.36” 760 53’ 2.01” 489.00 Bangalore (AAI) 4. Bellary DVOR/DME(HP) 150 9’54.4” 760 52’ 50” 461.00 Bangalore (AAI) 5. Bikaner-Lunka 1 LUN DVOR/DME(HP) 280 33’ 09.84” 730 47’ 15.61” 201.77 Jaipur 6. Bikaner-Lunka 2 LKA DVOR/DME(HP) 280 11’ 20.42” 740 06’ 41.267” 255.42 Jaipur 7. Chillarki CVOR/DME(HP) 280 20’ 51.2” 760 39’ 57.7” 228.6 Delhi IGI 8. Daman ‘DMN’ DVOR/DME 20 26’ 32.52” 72 51’ 15.95” 12.8 Daman (coastguard) 9. Daman ‘DM’ NDB 20 27’ 11.23” 72 51’ 09.24” 12.8 Daman (coastguard) 10. Gulbarga DVOR/DME(HP) 170 18’48.8” 760 48’ 11” 454.00 Bangalore (AAI) 11. Jalalabad CVOR/DME(HP) 270 41’ 39.6” 790 39’ 44.7” 55.50 Delhi IGI 12. Jharsuguda NDB 210 53’ 47.6” 840 02’ 19.5” 237.00 Jharsuguda 13. Jharsuguda MSSR 210 54’31.60” 840 03’ 50.40’’ 262.00 Jharsuguda 14. Kanchipuram DVOR/DME(HP) 120 47’ 5.8” 790 42’ 47.2” 82.89 Chennai 15. Katihar DVOR/DME 250 36’52.65” 870 33’19.20” 31.00 Kolkata 16. Katihar MSSR 250 34’ 23.01 870 33’ 20.19” 59.00 Kolkata 17. Khammampet NDB 170 15’ 45” 800 08’ 15” 116.50 Hyderabad 18. Pratapgarh DVOR/DME(HP) 240 02’ 13.65 740 44’ 38.16” 500.00 Jaipur 19. Rajamundri NDB 170 06’ 31” 810 49’ 18” 42.60 Rajahmundry 20. Sakras CVOR/DME(HP) 270 50’ 54.4” 770 00’ 29.6” 116.20 Delhi IGI 21. Sampla CVOR/DME(HP) 280 49’ 11.1” 760 49’ 9.6” 235.90 Delhi IGI 22. Sikandrabad CVOR/DME(HP) 280 23’ 36.2” 770 42’ 29.2” 203.25 Delhi IGI 23. Songarh NDB 210 10’ 2.5” 730 33’ 57.4” 121.90 Ahmedabad 24. Tuticorin NDB 080 43’ 32.2” 780 01’ 32.5” 25.90 Chennai 25. Vikarabad NDB 170 20’ 3.8” 770 53’ 55.5” 651.50 Hyderabad 26. Cochin-II DVOR “CIB” 100 07’ 05.7’’ 760 40’ 42.7’’ 41.30 Cochin 27. Portblair DVOR “PPB” 110 38’ 58’’ 920 44’ 50’’ 154.43 Port Blair 28 Vizag DVOR “ VVZ” 170 40’ 08.6’’ 830 15’ 11.8’’ 337.226 Vizag 29 Vizag (Arada Hill) MSSR 170 40’ 20.0’’ 830 15’ 37.8’’ 322.00 Vizag 30. Chennai ( PURUR) MSSR 130 01’ 46.42” 800 09’ 20.12” 41.00 Chennai 31. Kolkata ( BADU) MSSR 220 41’ 22.76” 880 29’ 06.05” 27.00 Kolkata 32. Porbander MSSR 210 38’ 28” 690 39’ 45.00” 32.00 Porbandar 96 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] SCHEDULE VII GREENFIELD AIRPORTS FOR WHICH GOVERNMENT OF INDIA HAS GIVEN “IN-PRINCIPLE “APPROVAL No. Airport (1) State (2) Coordinates (3) Aerodrome Elevation In Meters (4) Runway (5) Dimension In Meters (6) Owner/ Operator (7) 1. Dabra Madhya Pradesh 254942.8N 078191.7E 240 09/27 3000×45 M/s Gwalior Agriculture Company Ltd. 2. Navi Mumbai Internationa Airport Maharashtra 18 59 39.78N 073 30 12.95E 8.00 08L/26R 08R/26L 3700×60 3700×60 CIDCO 3. Pakyong Sikkim 271358.269N 0883518.7927E 1321.27 02/20 1700×30 AAI 4. Mopa GOA Master Plan of the airport is Yet to be finalized State Govt. 5. Kannur Kerala 11° 54’ 56.633”N 75° 32’ 44.604”E 105 07/25 3400×45 KIAL 6. Sindhudurg Maharashtra 16° 00’ 12.17”N 73° 31’ 57.9”E 64 09/27 3045×60 MIDC 7. Bijapur Karnataka Master Plan of the airport is Yet to be finalized State Govt. 8. Hassan Karnataka Master Plan of the airport is Yet to be finalized State Govt. 9. Gulbarga, Karnataka Master Plan of the airport is Yet to be finalized State Govt. 10. Simoga Karnataka Master Plan of the airport is Yet to be finalized State Govt. 11. Kushinagar International Airport Uttar Pradesh Master Plan of the airport is Yet to be finalized State Govt. 12. Karaikal Airport Pudduchery Master Plan of the airport is Yet to be finalized State Govt 13. Shirdi Maharashtra 19° 41’27.332”N 74° 22’ 18.35”E 581.75 09/27 2500×45 MADC ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 97 SCHEDULE VIII APPENDIX -A Inner Horizontal Surface for runway code 3 & 4 98 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] SCHEDULE VIII APPENDIX -B ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 99 SCHEDULE VIII APPENDIX -C 100 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] SCHEDULE VIII APPENDIX -D ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 101 SCHEDULE VIII APPENDIX -E 102 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] SCHEDULE VIII APPENDIX -F ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 103 SCHEDULE VIII APPENDIX -G 104 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] SCHEDULE VIII APPENDIX -H ICAO Annex 14 Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS) ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 105 SCHEDULE VIII APPENDIX -I 106 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] SCHEDULE VIII APPENDIX -J Critical Area of G.P. Runway G.P. Antenna 120 m 300m 30 m 45 0 ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 107 SCHEDULE VIII APPENDIX -K Critical Area of LLZ Runway Critical Area Toward approach end of runway Center of localizer R75 array m 120 m 300m or near end of the runway whichever is the greater 108 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] SCHEDULE VIII APPENDIX -L MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE HEIGHTS ( IN METERS) OF BUILDING/MAST/CHIMNEY, ETC. BASED ON ANNEX 14 CRITERIA (FOR CODE 3 OR 4 INSTRUMENT RUNWAY AIRPORTS ONLY) Maximum permissible height may be further restricted due to Annex 10 criteria (owing to various CNS facilities) and also due to DOC 8168 criteria for the protection of PANS-OPS surfaces for different procedures. Site elevation of the site will be subtracted from the permissible top elevation to arrive at maximum permissible height of the building/Mast/Chimneys, etc. Following height table is indicative only and in no way assures the height permissible at a given site. TABLE: MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE HEIGHTS (IN METERS) ICAO Annex 14 Surface (Height in meters) Distance from Runway Strip ( in meters) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Approach Surface* 10 20 30 40 45 45 45 48 73 98 120 140 150 150 150 Take-off climb Surface * 10 20 30 40 45 45 45 48 73 98 120 140 150 150 150 Inner Horizontal Surface (IHS)** 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 – – – – – – – Conical Surface ** – – – – – – – – 70 95 145 195 245 295 300 * Runway end elevation should be added to the permissible heights to arrive at the permissible top elevation, AMSL. ** Aerodrome elevation should be added to the permissible heights to arrive at the permissible top elevation, AMSL. ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 109 SCHEDULE VIII APPENDIX -M List of Designated Officers of Airports Authority of India (AAI) Airports Authority of India has set up nine NOC processing offices one each at Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Guwahati Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad and Nagpur airports these offices are headed by Designated Officers. NOC offices work as per the provisions of this notification and as per the direction of ATMC 2 of 2013, as amended from time to time by AAI. The list of Designated Officers are as follows: 1. Regional Executive Director, AAI, Northern Region, Delhi Airport, Delhi 2. Regional Executive Director, AAI, Eastern Region, Kolkata Airport, Kolkata 3. Regional Executive Director, AAI, Western Region, Mumbai Airport, Mumbai 4. Regional Executive Director, AAI, Southern Region, Chennai Airport, Chennai 5. Regional Executive Director, AAI, North Eastern Region, Guwahati Airport, Guwahati 6. GM- Coordination In charge, AAI, Hyderabad Airport 7. GM- Coordination In charge, AAI, Bengaluru Airport 8. Airport Director, AAI, Ahmedabad Airport 9. Airport Director, AAI, Nagpur Airport. 110 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] SCHEDULE IX [F.No. AV-24032/259/2015-AAI] ARUN KUMAR, Jt. Secy. Printed by the Manager, Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.
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